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Using information, education & agitation to expose the shills & charlatans who stole our rights, freedoms & protections in 2016. Multi-contributors #BrexitScam

Jun 8, 2018, 14 tweets

VIDEO THREAD - This week former CEO of Cambridge Analytica paid his second visit to the DCMS committee for a marathon session during which all his nervous tics and tells were on display - a masterclass for any body language student.....1/14

The session opened with a battle of wills between DCMS chair @DamianCollins and Mr Nix....we'll let you decide the victor....2/14

Nix attempts to rewrite the history of Cambridge Analytica, Rebecca Pow, Chris Matheson and Ian Lucas don't appear convinced.....3/14

Nix leads Paul Farrelly down the garden path as he incorrectly claims ALL the companies in the SCL group are in administration - the tell tale smirk gives him away.....4/14

Paul Farrelly introduces the mysterious UKIP invoice and gets fed-up with Nix's inability to answer simple questions......5/14

Simon Hart now moves Nix along to LeaveEU and the weasel words come to the fore, the unwary could easily be taken in here, particularly when Nix suggests Nigel Oakes could be a stranger; for the uninitiated Oakes is in fact the founder of SCL...6/14

increases the pressure on Nix's inability to explain the financial gymnastics taking place between Cambridge Analytica LLC and SCL Elections, the details, which NIX is reluctant to reveal, are explained to him in some detail.....7/14

continues to probe and upon the introduction of the names Mercer and Bannon, with an explanation as to why an answer is important, Nix plays and then retreats behind the privilege card....8/14

Nix goes full mea culpa as the brilliant @BrendanOHaraSNP exposes the hypocrisy of Nix playing the victim.....9/14

Finally the old Etonian cracks, former lawyer @IanCLucas pushes the buttons which makes Nix lose his temper over Bannon, Banks and LeaveEU....10/14

...the hissy fit continues until @IanCLucas explains the rudeness of Nix's response, anathema for an old Etonian. The weasel words flow over Nix's insistence that Cambridge Analytica played no part in the referendum, which, technically, of course they didn't.....11/14

A more controlled Nix is asked about Vincent Tchenguiz and Russian business, very telling this, the tics and tells raise their level once more......12/14

Nix's keeps it up until the end, there's no link between SCL and AIQ, he has no option, but @DamianCollins throws a hand grenade into the room by telling Nix they're looking at further evidence from @VickerySec 13/14

At times bizarre and, if you know what to look for, some remarkable testimony that will possibly come back to haunt Alexander Nix....enough to make you think twice before appearing eh Tubs?.....14/14

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