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ζ—₯本θͺž β€’ AU writer β€’ Bi β€’ ESFP β€’ βš–οΈ β€’ Married β€’πŸƒβ€’ backup: @meandomjimin

Jun 14, 2018, 166 tweets

- Jikook texting AU πŸ”žπŸ”₯ -

Jimin tries to subtly start sexting but Jungkook manages his way around it every damn time with his stupidity until Jimin one day finally snaps

It's gonna be nsfw if you put up with JK's bullshit long enough ☺️

Jimin is a nerd

.. were

Jungkook to the rescue

Like if you cried πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸΌ

He's just wearing his Naruto hoodie


The next day

[gay panic]

It's 24 but ok keep hating I guess

what kind of resolution

Jungkook's sweaty armpit is not art

You look good

πŸ…±οΈusan πŸ…±οΈro

When he calls you bro

Will continue later πŸ’•πŸ™πŸΌ

Class president Jimin at it

Jimin the sexually confused football player

Don't call Jungkook weeb. He's not a weeb.

Wear protection

The dynamics would be all wrong

Maybe I don't want to be your friend


The strict rule 'no homo'

Jimin falls for obvious traps

Then why do you have an inhaler?

No w

Ok m sleepy will continue tomoz ly all

The next day Jungkook slips up

Just a humble 9 screenshots

Is he cheating on you? 10 unmistakable signs

J.F.K gone too soon

Do you really want to know what Jungkook does with the pictures

Is he saying he πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨ his πŸ–πŸ–πŸ– ?


Yeah Jimin what do you do with his pictures

Thanks I hate it!

Better bench press


He's a singer

Jimin takes some advice

He probably sent you hentai


Vine reference education

You're a millionaire
Not in the heart

~ Jungkookie hyung ~~

Yes, that's him, the 35th president of the US

Jungkook was printing it out for his cousin πŸ†βœŠπŸ½πŸ’¦

Should I

Printers was Jungkook's worst subject in school

Extreme edging

He asked for washed veggies

Please don't elaborate

Gonna sleep again talk tomorrow y'all πŸ’•πŸ’•

Freddy Krueger, the singer from Queen

What did you dream Jimin?

I need to walk her fatass you guys wait

Entertain me
Not like that

Don't open it

I look good I can't lie

So you know Jungkook's other cousin?

Disney references

Jimin does NOT have a praise kink


Still with us, Jimin?

Are they ready to sext

It's not gonna take 24 hours lmao I'm sorry I set the time wrong

It's going down

Tell him Jimin..


Want you


Jimin doesnt have patience

Gonna sleep cause Sara told me to, so enjoy the 8 hour radio silence

Will update later today because I have a life and a friend is coming over πŸ’•πŸ’•

Jungkook is a tease


Wanna hear you

[audio attached]

If anyone wanted it this was what Jungkook attached

Boy they be washing veggies

Needy jungkook


Masochist Jimin


You're a what.. Jimin?

L e w d


All for JK

What else


Such a sweet and caring baby boy

Jimin canrb type





Most serious panel I'll ever write

Omg Jimin u didn't 😍

It just.. means something

Do it for senpai ☺️

Lost time


.. check snap princess

Trouble in paradise

Omg finally

Doormat Jimin

It wasn't trouble I'm kidding don't worry I don't write angst


Your hands won't reach

A date


Weeb love


Flirting 101

My kokoro will always beat for you

So close but so far

Thanks for the help

Locked door

Keeping at bay

Wrong group app

Error: your message could nto be received

No spoilers

10 minutes into anime and chill

Mood: heavy



Jungkook has a hard time explaining the movie

The scenery..


want his lips where, Jungkook?

Why don't you make me

Take them off

Not that desperate, princess?

You know what to say.

Please.. who?


Jungkook knows how to play out Jimin's fantasies

Jimin doesnt know switches exist

Jungkook wants to πŸ†πŸ‘

Say Yes Jimin πŸ’¦

Getting shy?

When you look at me like that

What you told me on the phone


Tell me more tell me more

Don't think I'll fit

You're so beautiful



Impatient? It's been 84 years

Tell all of them

Golden Maknae

It's a fruit joke

The Fruit Untold

Y'all are gross. I want it.


"It's a good movie"

You're really something, brat


How can I refuse

Don't kink shame

The real couple <3

------ ThE enD

Kidding almost


The Real End πŸ…±οΈro

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