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Jul 15, 2018, 20 tweets

1. A thread on @JennieGenSec Facebook friends. WARNING ⚠️ graphic images & racist content.

This comment was left on the new General Secretary of @uklabour’s FB page for over 24 hours.

“Poor Yids are not Jews”


2. In May, copying @jeremycorbyn @JennieGenSec closed her FB account, and started a new one. Something which will raise suspicions. What did she have to hide on that old account?

We have shown she has large issues with the Jewish community.

3. But what now follows shows she has absolutely no intention of stamping out antisemitism in @uklabour - far from it. @jenniegensec is actually friends with many of the antisemites & the leaders of their secret groups.

4. @JennieGenSec is Facebook friends with Ms Tippler who @PrivateEyeNews & ourselves exposed for running secret Facebook Groups (with the apparent help of NEC member Darren Williams), to help and support antisemites.

5. Tippler, as well as running secret groups to help @UKLabour antisemites evade justice, also has a side line in sharing “Rothschilds” conspiracy theories. Why would the General Secretary of @UKLabour be FB friends with this woman even after she was exposed by @PrivateEyeNews ?

6. Moving on, this isn’t the only infamous antisemite that @JennieGenSec is friends with on @facebook, far from it. We’ll now detail a few more. #LabourAntisemitism

7. @JennieGenSec is FB friends with Moassabir Ali who in 2016 was suspended from @UKLabour for tweeting a link “Timeline of the Jewish Genocide of the British People” a timeline which accuses Jews of financing various bloody historical events.

10. But again in May 18, despite his notoriety @JennieGenSec had to either send him a @facebook friend request or accept one from him. These aren’t the actions of a woman with zero tolerance for #LabourAntisemitism

11. @JennieGenSec doesn’t just confine herself to the well known antisemites in @UKLabour, she also is Facebook friends with rank and file members like Glen, who also happens to be a Holocaust denier. #LabourAntisemitism

12. @JennieGenSec seems to have several @UKLabour members on her Facebook friends list, who are Holocaust deniers. Here is another one - Mr Farah. Don’t forget that Jennie will have had to send or accept recent friend requests from these people. #LabourAntisemitism

13. Of course not all of @JennieGenSec new Facebook friends are Holocaust deniers, there are also other @UKLabour members, who are just common antisemites. Like Bari here.

14. Shawn is an interesting case, we were going to expose him until activists in @LabourAgainstAS told us he has resigned from @UKLabour, of course he’s also one of @JennieGenSec new Facebook friends.

15. We don’t want to forget that many of @UKLabour officers and officials share antisemitism on @facebook. Here is the Chair of North Thanet @UKLabour, these posts would be clearly visible to @JennieGenSec as his @facebook friend since May.

16. @JennieGenSec is not only @facebook friends with notorious Holocaust deniers and antisemites, she is also friends with those that are currently under investigation by @UKLabour for antisemitism, such as Marrianne. Can Jews expect any kind of justice from this woman & Labour?

17. So far we’ve shown @JennieGenSec is friends with at least 10 Holocaust deniers and antisemites. Here is number 11 (a Holocaust revisionist). Is there any wonder why the General Secretary of @UKLabour is trying to change the definition of antisemitism?

18. We thought we’d check @JennieGenSec twitter connections. Guess what! She follows well known antisemite Steve Topple, but, oddly doesn’t follow @LabourAgainstAS

19. Guess what among @JennieGenSec other twitter connections we found yet another high profile Holocaust denier, he’s such a virulent antisemite that @ADL_National felt the need to write about him (that is BAD).…

22. Gary Spedding everyone’s favourite Non Jewish expert on Jews, banned from Israel, but invited to @UKLabour meeting to discuss the Jewish community issues with #LabourAntisemitism is also one of @JennieGenSec Twitter connections.…

23 The people @JennieGenSec rubs up against are odious. The stink of their racist #LabourAntisemitism will not wash off easily, and the idea that such a person has been entrusted by @uklabour with expunging antisemitism from its ranks, beggars belief. END.

@UKLabour @threadreaderapp please unroll.

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