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Did you know my dad wasn't a toolmaker?

Aug 7, 2018, 36 tweets

Henry Hodge, the husband of Margaret Hodge, leader of Islington Council and resident of Islington, was chairman of the NCCL when PIE was granted affiliate status.

NCCL supported the 'right’ to sleep with children as a 'civil liberty'!

Keep it in the family: Joe Caluori, Margaret Hodge’s son-in-law was supposed to head Islington abuse investigation!

Joe Caluori married Margaret Hodge’s daughter and works for a consultancy called Britain Thinks.
On the advisory board: Daniel Finkelstein

Margaret Hodge is a director of The Social Market Foundation along with Daniel Finkelstein and Samuel Brittan (Leon Brittan's brother).

Directors: Daniel Finkelstein, Greville Janner, Nathanial Rothschild and Edgar Bronfman (son listed in paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's black book and daughter Clare Bronfman arrested, involved with NXIVM sex trafficking cult)

Harriet Harman once said Margaret Hodge was her best friend in Parliament.

Henry Hodge was close friends with Chris Patten and Howard Marks, who ran Annabelinda, a boutique which ostensibly sold clothing but in fact peddled marijuana. 
His old Oxford friend, Henry Hodge, did the legal stuff in establishing Annabelinda Ltd.

But back to Daniel Finkelstein, an admirer of Greville Janner and mate of Michael Gove. His Policy Exchange uses the same address as the Tory child-pimp Derek Laud, the crook Gerald Ronson, and the now deceased paedophile Leon Brittan.
It's the company you keep, I suppose ...

Discarded spouses: Margaret Hodges' ex-husband is married to Jack Straw's first wife!

Philip Martin Edmonds is the nephew of Margaret Hodge, accused of covering up the Islington child abuse scandal. Edmonds left Praia da Luz in a hurry the day after Madeleine McCann disappeared.
I'm sorry to say I gave up believing in coincidences long ago ...

Hodge knew everything two years before it was exposed.

So if you ever want your neighbour in Richmond Crescent, the war-mongerer and mass murderer Tony Blair, to make you Children's Minister, it is not enough to turn a blind eye to child abuse, you must pillory those who expose it!

Margaret Hodge chose the words of her 'advisors' over two upright social workers from the coalface. Was her Islington successor Sawyer one of those advisors? The man who was business partner to this the paedophile Mr. Slade?

Margaret Hodge and her daughter Lizzie Watson.
This might explain a few things ...

Have you asked your mummy, Liz? She was running Islington at the time ...

David Edmonds, BBC broadcaster, is the brother of Philip Edmonds of McCann fame, and hence nephew of Margaret Hodge. Here they are, ironically, discussing morality at a literary festival ...

Here is David Edmond talking about his aunt, Margaret Hodge, again:
Anything an Oppenheimer wants to do, an Oppenheimer can do!

The tale of Margaret Hodge and the two Harwomen:

What a trio...what a coincidence. All three have links with paedophiles: Butler-Sloss, Harriet Harman and Margaret Hodge!

Margaret Hodge and her best mate Harriet Harman: two peas in a pod:

Guess who got the special honour of delivering the Law Society’s first Henry Hodge Memorial Lecture:


'If Sandy Marks did hold those views, I was not aware of them'.

I see no paedophiles, said Margaret Hodge as she raised her telescope to her blind eye!

Lessons learned? Even Alan Levy QC of Pindown claim was not having any of Hodge's sanctimonious twaddle:

@stehentwigg was advisor and PPS to Margaret Hodge in Islington. What was he told about the Panton case and when, and what indeed was his knowledge of the dire state of child protection in the borough?


To what lengths do politicians go to cover up their own incompetence? Margaret Hodge even tried to gag the media on reporting allegations of abuse in an Islington Children's Homes. She made a veiled threat of legal action.

Stephen Twigg, Margaret Hodge's PPS forced to eat his words:
'I can take my drink, so I don't think there'll be any problem of being caught with too much to drink ...'

Who would understand Margaret Hodge better than her ex?:
'It is the same fascination with power which I believe explains her involvement in politics'.

Hodge and the Bronfmans: here is an excellent article on the NXIVM cult.

By their aides ye shall know them!
Two of Margaret Hodges' former aides have been in the news recently, either directly or indirectly.
The first is former Labour MP Eric Joyce who admitted to being in possession of a 51-second Cat. A child abuse video.

The second former aide to Hodge is Kitty Ussher, who served her until mid-2007 whilst Hodge was Minister of State at the Dept. of Trade and Industry.
Kitty was a Councillor in Lambeth, between 1998-2002, a period currently under review by @InquiryCSA.

Between 2001 and 2004, Kitty  Ussher was special advisor to Patricia Hewitt when she was Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. Hewitt was General Secretary of NCCL when it was affiliated to and infiltrated by the Paedophile Information Exchange.

But most interestingly of all is that Kitty Ussher is the niece of Tory MP Peter Bottomley and Tory peer Virginia Bottomley. Yes, Peter whose name is linked to Elm Guest House and Melanie Klein and Virginia who covered up the Peter Righton report.

Even now, many years after the Islington child abuse scandal, @margarethodge is still up to her usual tricks, blaming others for what was her responsibility. She listened to dodgy counsel but not to the children involved!

@margarethodge Oh, and does it come as a surprise that @margarethodge tried to block a BBC report into the child abuse scandal through her character assassination of a victim?

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