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#CERN is the European laboratory for particle physics, home to the Large Hadron Collider #LHC. French: @CERN_FR

Aug 13, 2018, 5 tweets

Cast your vote for your favourite picture from the 2018 CERN Photowalk:…

Your choice will be one of three photos sent to the global #PhysPics18 competition; the other two will be chosen by our jury. Here are four of the 20 best pictures from our photowalk.

Have you voted for your favourite picture from the 2018 CERN Photowalk yet?…

Here are four more of the 20 best pictures from the event.


Here are another four of the 20 best pictures from the 2018 CERN Photowalk. Don't forget to vote for your favourite!… #PhysPics18

Only a day left to pick your favourite photo from the 2018 CERN Photowalk! Here's another batch of four of the 20 best pictures.… #PhysPics18

Here are the final four photos from the collection of the 20 best pictures taken at the 2018 CERN Photowalk.

Have you voted for your favourite yet? Voting closes in a few hours!… #PhysPics18

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