#CERN is the European laboratory for particle physics, home to the Large Hadron Collider #LHC. French: @CERN_FR
5 subscribers
Oct 1, 2024 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
“Places like CERN give us hope for a better world. Places like CERN show what humanity can achieve when we set aside our disputes and focus on the common good.”
« Des institutions comme le CERN donnent l'espoir d'un monde meilleur, et montrent ce que l'humanité peut accomplir lorsqu’elle met ses différends de côté et agit pour le bien commun. »
— CERN Director-General Dr Fabiola Gianotti
La Directrice générale du CERN Madame Fabiola Gianotti
Earlier today, I had the privilege of visiting CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. Walking through those halls, I was awestruck by the scale of the groundbreaking experiments happening here. Meeting the Belgian scientists involved in this remarkable work was truly inspiring. Belgium is proud to support CERN and I reaffirm our commitment to this exceptional European collaborative research project. Here’s to 70 years of discovery and to many more years of adventure driven by the CERN community’s human curiosity.
— Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Astrid de Belgique
Aug 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
#OnThisDay in 1902, the theoretical physicist Paul Dirac was born.
As we #FollowTheProtons to CERN’s #Antimatter Factory, what better way to start than by celebrating the work of this young physicist and his @NobelPrize-winning equation? @NobelPrize In 1928, Dirac wrote an equation to describe the behaviour of an electron moving at a relativistic speed. It could have two solutions: one for an electron with positive energy, and one for an electron with negative energy.
Jul 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
On 13 July, CELESTA was launched into #space aboard #VegaC.
Here are the quick facts:
🛰️ It is the first CERN-driven satellite
🤖 It will study radiation's effects on electronics
🤝🏽 It is a collaboration with @umontpellier
Protecting satellites against radiation is a challenging and costly task. Some of CERN’s facilities are able to reproduce the environment of Earth’s orbit at a low cost, and help with radiation testing: kt.cern/aerospace/faci…
Display of a collision event recorded by ATLAS on 5 July 2022, when stable beams of protons at the energy of 6.8 TeV were delivered to ATLAS for the start of #LHCRun3.
Mar 30, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Today’s #PhotoOfTheWeek is all about the @LHCbExperiment. We are almost ready for #restartingLHC, so here are some of the tasks involved in the upgrade of the LHCb experiment. 💪
@LHCbExperiment ✅ Upgrade of the VErtex LOcator, a detector used to determine the exact point where the particles collide. One of its sensors is just 5mm away from the beam. Brand new modules were installed, with 40 million active pixels.
Jun 21, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the many partners in our Member and Associate Member States and beyond who are making the #CERNScienceGateway possible, in particular to our generous donors.”
Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Director-General
🔴 Follow the webcast of the first stone ceremony of the #CERNScienceGateway: webcast.web.cern.ch/event/i1046896
May 13, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
🛠 Did you ever want to make your own particle detector?
Here is your chance! Build this low-cost open hardware project, investigate natural radioactivity around you and become a true citizen scientist: scoollab.web.cern.ch/diy-particle-d…#DidYouKnow that Silicon-based detectors similar to this one are widely used in high-energy physics experiments?
The #Medipix collaboration makes the technology behind silicon pixel detectors available for applied physics domains such as medical imaging. medipix.web.cern.ch
Mar 25, 2020 • 21 tweets • 12 min read
Find out which particle best fits your personality, learn about the properties of elementary particles & share your result below: cern.ch/identities
What is a period of restlessness for many of us can be turned into a time of reflection and learning from the safety of our homes. What better way to do that than with a healthy diet of physics-themed videos? 1/n #StayAtHome
Let's start with John Ellis. We thought it's time to finally figure out what the Higgs boson is... 2/n #StayAtHome
Sep 14, 2019 • 8 tweets • 9 min read
The #CERNOpenDays have officially started! CERN’s Director-General Fabiola Gianotti opened the Laboratory’s doors at a ceremony attended by representatives of the local authorities.
Welcome to the #CERNOpenDays! Get ready to explore the future with us 🖖
📸 Maximilien Brice / CERN
May 13, 2019 • 8 tweets • 10 min read
It’s #MuseumWeek. If you visit CERN this week, take part in the event by using @CERN, #MuseumWeek and the # of the day.
➡️ visit.cern#MuseumWeek
Come and see CERN scientists explain their day-to-day work on interactive video screens at the #Microcosm exhibition.
CERN & @desynews are offering you the opportunity to be scientists.
Participate in the #BL4S Beamline for schools competition (cern.ch/BL4S) and tell us what experiment you would like to do.
📝 You have until 31 March to submit your proposal.
Be like Ameya and Satchit and submit your experiment to #BL4S. In this picture, they measured the deflection of particles in a magnetic field at CERN.
Cast your vote for your favourite picture from the 2018 CERN Photowalk: cern.ch/photowalk2018/…
Your choice will be one of three photos sent to the global #PhysPics18 competition; the other two will be chosen by our jury. Here are four of the 20 best pictures from our photowalk.
Have you voted for your favourite picture from the 2018 CERN Photowalk yet? cern.ch/photowalk2018/…
Here are four more of the 20 best pictures from the event.
Today, CERN is proud to celebrate the first international day of LGBT+ people in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) #LGBTSTEMDayprideinstem.org/lgbtstemday/#L…
Follow LHC physicists exploring new physics frontiers, as #RestartLHC prepares for higher energy #13TeV collisions
Follow @ATLASexperiment physicist Claire Lee to see what's next for the Higgs Boson at #13TeV: