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Aug 19, 2018, 46 tweets

Starting a thread on Craig Unger's book

"House of Trump House of Putin"

The untold story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia.

Interesting sections from it.


Most of this chapter focuses on Michael Sonny Franzese and his gasoline-tax scam that earned the Colombo family billions. In 1984 he meets the three Russians mobsters David Bogatin, Michael Markowitz, and Lev Persits. A match made in Mob heaven.


According to a Buzzfeed investigation more than 1,300 condos, 1/5 of all Trump-branded condos sold in the US since the eighties, were sold “in secretive, all-cash transactions. Not even counting his numerous properties around the world.


This goes into Trump's whorehouse owning Grandad Friedrich, to his father Fred and ultimately to his very own "fixer" Roy Cohn.


This is the good stuff, talks Michael Cohen’s uncle, Morton Levine, who owned El Caribe nightclub, a popular mob meet up, his buddy Felix Sater/Dad, and Mogilevich 🤗

Chapter 5:HONEY TRAP

The StB – Czechoslovakia's intel agency spied on Trump and his wife, Ivana, in the 1970s and 80s when she made regular trips back to visit her father, Miloš Zelníček.

Details his trip to Russia in 1987. Was the Kremlin pushing him to run for office even back then knowing they had plenty of Kompromat to have their very own puppet? (yes :P)



Once the FBI got wind that Ivankov owned a luxury apartment at Trump Tower, he fled and later turned up at Trump's casino, Taj Mahal.

Ivankov was arrested in 1995 and sent to prison. After his release he returned to Russia where he was assassinated.


Talks of Putin's rise and the collapse of the Soviet union. A kleptocracy was born. Putin put himself at the nexus of three worlds, the Chekists, the bureaucrats, and the mob.


The rise of Mogilevich's empire and how very close they came to nailing him at the Bratva summit in Prague. #BobLevinson

Meeting in Tel Aviv with other Organized crime figures in 1995.


In the early nineties Trump was in dire straits. Thanks to a windfall, he bought the rights to a few beauty pageants. Then he visited Moscow yet again in '96 in hopes of opening new Trump properties.

Also goes into Putin's consolidation of power.


Talks of Mogilevich, Firtash and co's move on the Ukraine energy trade. In '98 Semion's company YBM’s Newtown offices in Toronto was raided by the FBI. Mogilevich and partners were indicted on 45 felony counts for the $150 million stock fraud.

More on Firtash and other Oligarchs close to Putin and in Trump's orbit like Roman Abramovich, Lev Leviev, Tamir Sapir and others.

Chapter 11:EASY PREY

The Russians looked to powerful Washington lobbyists like Jack Abramoff and former FBI director William Sessions to insulate themselves from scrutiny.

With the help of mob affiliated entities like the Bayrock group who moved into the 24th floor of Trump tower, Trump used his new business model of licencing his name out to help launder money through his properties. He didn't care where the funds were pouring in from.


Delves into Felix Sater's background from his upbringing, to running a pump and dump scam reminiscent to Mogilevich's operation, all to becoming a confidential informant for not only the CIA and the DIA but the FBI as well.

Chapter 13:BAYROCK

Goes into the owners and investors of Bayrock and the subsequent money laundering operation it carried out across the globe using the Trump brand.

Hey @IvankaTrump you should read this chapter, you'll absolutely love it. 🤗

Chapter 14:MOTH, FLAME

More Sater/Bayrock dealings and the lawsuit brought by Bayrock's former finance director Jody Kriss, who called the company "Covertly mob-owned and operated."

Also Ivanka and Don Jr's trip to Moscow in 2006 where he acted as their chaperone.

When conman Trump met conman Michael Cohen. ^^

More on Chabad and their close relationship to Putin/Oligarchs and people in the Trump orbit.

Also Ivanka in no surprise to anyone is a dirty rotten liar.

All these guys sure do love their Eastern European brides don't they. 🙃


Putin is known for his vindictive and murderous tendencies to anyone who dare criticize him. This is perhaps best Illustrated by the poisoning of former KGB officer turned British MI6 consultant Alexander Litvinenko. #PedoPutin

Chapter 16:BLOOD MONEY

Manafort and his time in the Ukraine with Putin puppet Yanukovych. While they did whatever the Kremlin wanted, the mob raked in billions in the energy trade.

With the help of his slopped head pal Roger Stone and their lobbying firm, who worked for despots around the world, they used similar disinfo tactics on rival Tymoshenko that were later used against Hillary

His daughter's texts say it all.
"That money we have is blood money."

Chapter 17:War by other means

PR spin doctors, fake think tanks, hit pieces, fake opposition, all things we have become very accustomed to here.

Months before Miss Universe, Sergei Mikhaylov, leader of Solntsevo gang met with other mobsters at a party held on Mogilevich’s VIP floor. One of the two Americans was reported to be Felix Sater, and Emin Agalarov performed. A source asked if Semion has met Trump: 100% they have.

With help from one Christopher Steele, in 2013, a gambling ring ran out of 63rd floor of Trump Tower was busted. Lead by Mogilevich associate Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, the indictment handed down charged 34 members and associates of two Russian-American organized crime families

More on the Agalarov/Trump relationship and how the infamous Miss Universe pageant came about. After fleeing the US Tokhtakhounov appeared as a VIP on the red carpet.

I contend that the offer to Trump/Schiller came from Rykov who owns a brothel/uber business but we'll see ^^


How the @GOP was bought and paid for...

Also a Mueller cameo 😍 who as FBI director led an operation out of Budapest and indicted Mogilevich. He fled though but was later arrested in Russia. After only one year in custody he was released. 🙄

More on complicit Americans helping protect the Russian mob, and how Putin and the Kremlin have plotted to destabilize the West/NATO allegiance.

Full blown attack on our elections to prop up a compromised puppet.


Felix Sater wrote to Cohen in late 2015

"Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will."

He added.

“Can you believe two guys from Brooklyn are going to elect a president?”


The June 9th "I love it" Don Jr. Treason meeting.

"Never before had Russia had someone in its grasp who was so close to power as Donald Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party. Something big was bound to happen."

Chapter 20: ENDGAME

From the GOP "Keep it in the family" tape to the GOP convention placating Moscow on the Ukraine platform, to the very Pro-Russia foreign policy speech attended by Kislyak. It was always staring us in the face. Trump is owned by Putin and the Mob.

Contacts, clandestine meetings, payoffs, bribes more contacts etc...

Cambridge Analytica's role is huge and it's infuriating that it's downplayed by the US media, the @Channel4News undercover videos and diligent reporters have uncovered a scandal big enough for 2-3 Watergates, but in the MSM it was a week long story at best.

Also, JR...😂

Speaking of the press dropping the ball. The all time biggest fucking turd ever laid. "Investigating Trump, the FBI sees no clear links to Russia." That story also misrepresented the investigation in the Alfa/Trump server story. How those 2 reporters can sleep at night...🖕🖕🖕🖕

And so here we are. An absolute shitshow of a Presidency and his cronies, that's rife with corruption, nepotism, racism, misogyny, absurdity, and lacking any semblance of human decency. These people are criminals who's time will soon come.

*Deep exhale

Well that's it, what an absolute incredible read. I please ask that you all buy it, absorb the amazing information inside, and most importantly pass it on to your friends, family, neighbors, hell give it to a Stranger if you can :)

We will win.

Also, a well deserved shout out to the smartest folks around. Who, verbatim have reported on the contents found in this book since early last year.

@LincolnsBible @JamesFourM @ninaandtito @dark_wisdom_ @Peaceful_411 @SaysDana my mob hunters. 🤗

Many more ofc ^^ TY all. 🇺🇸

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