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Groucho Marxist: I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member 🖕 Sarcasm dispensing colorful metaphor enjoyer:blocking me means I'm right 😎

Aug 22, 2018, 8 tweets


A tribute to Alt-Santa, the unsung hero of the Manafort trials

Should we ever meet sir, the beer is on me! 🍺

Alt-Santa is with a lengthier sign than normal 😀

He was kind enough to show up for Gates too! 🤣

Alt-Santa, wherever you are sir, I hope you are having the best of days 🤗

Thx to @shmoopatties for one I forgot I had and one I didn't have

More Alt-Santa! 😆

Alt-Santa at the Van Der Zwaan trial

I have a feeling he'll be at more courthouses in the coming days 😉

Thx to @9Moyle for the backside shot of this sign. Teamwork makes the dream work 👊

Alt-Santa likes his signs double-sided 😎

Thx to @Ban_Pres_Bannon, we have another entry! This time from the summer protests.

Always on point, succinct, I love it! 😂

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