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#JK: love my six best friends or i’ll steal your kneecaps

Sep 25, 2018, 30 tweets

『Sleep Tight — jikook au』

Jungkook hates his job at Ikea. All he wants is to do SOMETHING other than work minimum wage at a furniture store. Meanwhile, Jimin tries to capture the cute employee’s attention and if it means constantly sleeping on Ikea’s beds, he’ll do it.

Please don't pay any attention to times, likes, rts, etc in the story and I hope you enjoy! 💕

1 — jungkook hates ikea

2 — he never stops

3 — vase

4 — marty i’m:

5 — cute little girl

6 — capture attention

7 — please dont

8 — today?

9 — o-oof

10 — wont give up

11 — late

12 — so ready

13 — name

14 — aftermath

15 — he fr

16 — go back

17 — late

18 — beds 😔

19 — cue to leave

20 — tradition

21 — kook is done

22 — unimpressed (and **somewhere else)

23 — future

24 — basically

25 — they aren’t sympathetic

26 — seriously

27 — lowkey smooth

28 — awkward.jpg

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