Brent Ward Profile picture
SFU Earth Sciences, Quaternary Geologist, Cordilleran Ice Sheet, purveyor of Natural Hazards, Long suffering Canucks fan, loves woolly mammoths (he, him, his)

Oct 2, 2018, 9 tweets

1/Spent last Saturday with Kelly Russel, UBC, exploring Mt. Meager, a volcano north of Pemberton. It last erupted 2360 years ago, and also produces numerous landslides, shown me me here is the 2010 landslide. #SFUNaturalHazards #MtMeagerHazards

2/ Extensively hydrothermally altered rocks make this Canada’s most dangerous mountain and the 2010 landslide (pictured before) was the largest in Canadian history. Gio Roberti, my PhD student, explains the dynamics of this failure. #SFUNaturalHazards. #MtMeager

3/ There was a complex rheology and hummocky landslide debris. The river has cut a nice section through one of the hummocks. This one has uniform lithology so likely a large block that became fractured. #SFUNaturalHazards #MtMeager

4/ The landslide sheared off trees. More distal trees killed by being inundated by more fluid rich sediments. #SFUNaturalHazards #MtMeager

5/ Now onto the last eruption! This welded block and ash deposit at keyhole falls is one of the primary products from the eruption. This dammed the river and formed an extensive lake. When it drained, that is what formed the impressive falls.#SFUNaturalHazards #MtMeager

6/ Catastrophically drainage of the lake ripped out still warm parts of the block and ash flow. This is actually 3 large blocks in a coarse gravel. Radial pattern means cooled after erosion. Now that’s a flood! #SFUNaturalHazards #MtMeager

7/ There were extensive pyroclastic pumiceous rich deposits which are mined as an aggregate. The rounded granitic clasts of deep basement formed by milling during the eruption. #SFUNaturalHazards #MtMeager

8/ Last stop was looking at Crazy columnar jointed basalts that erupted up under a glacier. And it didn’t seem at all weird to be discussing this in the pouring rain while it was getting dark!

9/ The measure of a good fieldtrip is commonly how many good garden stones were acquired. This one was pretty good! . #gardenstones!

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