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Oct 27, 2018, 11 tweets

Let’s talk about antisemitism online, shall we?
I am a Jew, not secret about it, and I write about the right. I have for awhile. Here’s some posts about me on the Daily Stormer and Gab and the right-wing net.

Here’s one from January


and milo. “14/88” is white supremacist code for “heil hitler” & the 14 words, a credo to “protect white children.”

so yeah
it’s real
for those of us who are out here, writing about them, it is a toll every day

being a jew in public means taking abuse for your religion. sometimes in violent language. sometimes in bullets at a synagogue. we are a tiny minority. and very deeply hated. and we need your solidarity.

this isn’t about me. it’s an illustration if what i see every day. the hatred of jews is intertwined with hatred of the media. of “globalists,” a code word for jews. of “soros,” whose name is used as code. but we are not nebulous and scheming. we are human and scared.

and it is not from “both sides.” it is from the right. yes, antisemitism is transpartisan. but antisemitic violence in the US is a right wing phenomenon and the vast majority of antisemitic abuse online comes from right-wing spheres.

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