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Connecting indigent people to legal aid using tech. We are the 1st access to justice social media platform. #Tech4Justice #Data4Justice hello@gavel.ng

Nov 30, 2018, 8 tweets

Imagine what can be achieved if there is no corruption in Nigeria. Take a look at the thread below to see what we lose through corruption and corrupt practices. Part 1 #WeDemandfasterResolutionofCorruptionCases #TogetherWeCanEndCorruption

Do you have bad and inaccessible roads in your area. Corruption is the culprit. #WeDemandfasterResolutionofCorruptionCases #TogetherWeCanEndCorruption

Former Assistant Director of the National Emergency Management Agency allegedly misappropriated the sum of Forty-Four Million Naira which could have provided emergency services to 440 people! #WeDemandfasterResolutionofCorruptionCases #TogetherWeCanEndCorruption

Corruption stalls the fight against the Boko Haram insurgency. #WeDemandfasterResolutionofCorruptionCases #TogetherWeCanEndCorruption

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