Shashi Kumar (Modi Ka Parivar) Profile picture
Social Media Co-Convenor of @BJP4UP Followed by Hon’ble @narendramodi Ji. Banarasi

Dec 5, 2018, 17 tweets

Dear @rahulpandita
This information is absolutely rubbish. You should be on d ground to see and then report.

Be my guest and I will show you. Neelkanth Mahadev in all its glory.

Plese don't spread misinformation and remours.

Sorry for typo.. It's Rumours*

Now since there is a deliberate rumour mongering campaign by journalists, Congress Party & so called seers ( with proven allegiance with Congress party),it becomes my duty to put forward the truth about alleged destruction of temples in Kashi.

Follow this thread 👇to know truth

In d article it is alleged that idols of Pramod Vinayak,Sammukh Vinayak & Durmukh Vinayak hv been razed & thrown away.

Truth is these idols hv been discovered while demolition of house no CK 34/16, 34/16A, 35/7, and 34/60. They have been restored & proper puja is happening.

It is also alleged that Neelkanth Mahadev temple is also razed and nobody knows where is the Shiv Lingam.

Truth - These are yesterday’s pics and Neelkanth Mahadev temple and Shiv Ling is as it was before and devotees are performing Puja as always.

To prove the above mentioned point attached is the video of Neelkanth Mahadev temple, shot just couple of days back.

You all can see devotees are visiting the temple and performing puja.

Now question arises why these seers having allegiance with Congress, Congress party and these journalists are spreading fake news and rumourmongering abt destruction of temples.

Answer is “They don’t want development and don’t want construction of “Kashi Vishwanath Corridor”.

So first it’s important to know what’s this corridor & why it’s important?
KV Temple is surrounded by narrow lanes full of dilapidated buildings which prevented smooth m safe movements of pilgrims n emergency services for pilgrims

Anyone who has visited will witness that

269 buildings were identified to be demolished

182 buildings are already purchased by govt

Out of these 40 houses are demolished.

Process is underway to purchase remaining buildings

Govt is already addressing the issues of rehabilitation of owners, shopkeepers & tenants

When the demolition work started in 40 buildings, 43 temples are found some of which are believed to b 1000yrs old.

Those building were constructed by encroaching those ancient temples.

You can imagine the architecture marvels by looking at these pics.

One temple is discovered which looks same as Kashi Vishwanath Temple in design and architecture.

Nandi idol is bigger than the existing KV Temple.

A big chariot (Rath) is made in d bottom part of the structure.

Watch this video.

All these ancient temples were encroached for 100s of years.

These discoveries are not only of historical significance but also heritage marvels of Hindu Civilisation.

Kashi is known to be city of temples but these temples were lost in greed by few encroachers

During demolition not only ancient temples are found but idols of historical importance and heritage believed to be 1000 yrs old are found.

Preservation and restoration work of these are on top priority of the government.

I leave this on your wisdom whether these are discovery and restoration of temples and heritage or destruction of temples as claimed by few journalists and people who have sold their soul.

Some more pics.

Since this is dream project of PM @narendramodi & CM @myogiadityanath has sanctioned budget of 600cr, personally supervising, Congress with its machinery of journalists and seers is opposing.

But reports in media and awareness of ppl have put egg on their faces

Kashi Vishwanath Corridor is planned through which world class facilities can be extended to Pilgrims.

Through these 56 mtr wide and 300 mtr long corridor, pilgrims n emergency services can directly reach KV Temple campus bypassing the narrow and congested lanes

Should the ancient temples of Kashi be fighting with humanities to preserve its existence?

Watch this heartfelt video appeal by @SadhguruJV to join hands to preserve & restore the ancient temples of Kashi

Will keep adding the new developments in this thread

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