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Dec 11, 2018, 10 tweets

Today is the first day of our Universal Health Coverage in a Mobile World Conference. Follow us as we hear from expert advocacy speakers from Spain, Germany, the UK and more. #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

.@mslucyjones introduces today’s agenda #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

Martin McKee, Professor of European Public Health at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine @LSHTM opens the conference with his keynote address on the 'Long and Winding Road to Universal Health Coverage' @martinmckee #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

Next up is our Expert Panel - 'Taking the temperature of healthcare advocacy today' with Dr Peter Gough, Trustee @DOTW_UK @khandel_light, Francois Fille, Former European Advocacy Coordinator, @MDM_Europe, Pablo Iglesias Rionda, Policy Advocacy Technician, MdM Spain...

Donatus Cordier, Member of the ‘Political Activism’ Working Group, MediNetz Würzburg Dr Elizabeth Bates, GP Champion, @DOTW_UK @batesej
Frode Eick, Manager, Health Centre for Undocumented Migrants, Norwegian Red Cross/Oslo Church City Mission

Donatus Cordier, Member of the ‘Political Activism’ Working Group, MediNetz Würzburg, part of the 'Taking the temperature of healthcare advocacy today' panel.

It was great to hear from different European perspectives from our panel this morning. Here are some key quotes from our speakers. #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

Dr Elizabeth Bates, GP Champion, @DOTW_UK on our #SafeSurgeries network. Find out more here: #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

Alyna Smith, Advocacy Officer for Health, Legal Strategies and Women, at @PICUM_post opens the second day of the conference with her keynote address on "Data sharing, access to services and immigration enforcement in Europe" #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

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