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Dec 20, 2018, 19 tweets

Anyone remember the senior officials at the US Treasury FINCEN leaking information to Michael Avenetti & the press? Well seems they may have been doing some Russian collusion too! justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/s…

Seems senior officials at FINCEN, which should be looking out for money laundering, were instead illegally sharing info with the Russians in 2016 & early 2017. Sending information to private Gmail accounts rather than through secure networks.

Buzzfeed is being spun by leakers pointing to a couple of Hillary's friends as the targets of the Russian requests, but I'm sure there is much more to this. As leakers at this agency targeted Michael Cohen & others in Trump's circle. buzzfeednews.com/article/anthon…

This may explain why one Obama holdover was arrested for the leaks but her boss, who was also involved in the leaks had his name redacted from the indictments.

Concerned agents reported the problem in July & August of 2016 for investigation! But the Obama Administration allowed the back channel collusion to continue. Looks like the Russians wanted to know who was aware of their money laundering networks.

Later in the article, they begin pointing at another unit outside FINCEN as the real culprits.

Gee, why would someone want to tip of people about investigations into ISIS financing & money laundering activities. This was set up in 2015 to share information with the Russians, who are certainly experts in money laundering.

Huh, at least 2 FINCEN analysts were reported to the IG for working against the interests of the United States. Sounds important!

On analyst with ties to Ukraine, was removed from Treasury in 2017 after it was revealed he had been denied a security clearance but was allowed to work there anyway by Obama's Treasury Department.

A second was caught taking unreported trips to other countries which are not identified.

Another analyst tried to write then leak a report linking Trump & the Kremlin to prove collusion. Faking evidence of collusion & leaking it to the press, but fortunately even Buzzfeed was able to see that it was a false connection.

I think Natalie Mayflower Edwards was one of their sources, she is the leaker that was arrested. But in 2016, she was trying to warn Congress of the allegations against Trump & his connections to Russia. So she was in on the set up to frame Trump for collusion from summer of 2016

Edwards claims to be a whistleblower wronged for trying to alert Congress & the world about Trump's & Cohen's funny money. Probably having no idea that Trump's undercover operations against the Russians for the FBI were classified above her level of clearance.

Seems the Russians wanted all of the information on money laundering on Gmail, I guess so their friends could hack it easily to warn money launderers of knowledge the US had on them.

Seems they are blaming it on a weak bureuacrat that Obama appointed to run FINCEN in June 2016, just in time for the plot. Anyone know anything about Jamal El-Hindi? Was the disorder on purpose?

So in 2017, the incompetent Russian colluding FINCEN starts to have authorities taken from it & given to other departments. Maybe someone needed some honest investigators to figure out what was really behind it.

Then the FINCEN people tried to access their systems on a Saturday night 5/22/17, to find their secure keys had expired locking them out of the system. Is it a coincidence this happened just after the special counsel started investigating the coup plotters?

But the FINCEN people tried to blame the OIA office, complained to Congress, but the OIG found that the claims were not supported.

Seems there may be much more to this story than the whistleblowers, including the one arrested for a campaign of leaks against Trump allies, would like Buzzfeed to know!

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