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Mar 2 5 tweets 2 min read
This entire tanker deal between Boeing & the US Air Force was Swampy corruption.

Now the tankers are facing structural flaws.

Are they constructed from the titanium that the Clintons helped Dmitry Firtash sell to Boeing after bribing Indian officials to mine it? FAA found that Boeing was buying titanium from sources that were falsifying the paperwork to hide where Boeing got it from.
Feb 28 13 tweets 5 min read
Let's look at how President Trump tricked Putin into a far greater Russian defeat in Ukraine!

Trump learned the Rope-A-Dope from his friend Mohammed Ali!

Please excuse my poor 'artwork' replacing Ali & Fraser with Trump & Putin!
#ButNothingsHappening Image Rope-a-dope is a boxing technique in which one contender leans against the ropes of the ring & draws non-injuring offensive punches, letting the opponent tire themself out. This gives the former the opportunity then to execute devastating offensive punches to help them win.
Feb 18 15 tweets 6 min read
SDNY indicts Florida defense attorney & a local police detective for bribing DEA agents for information on behalf of members of drug cartels.

This is a continuation of cases investigated by DOJ IG Michael Horowitz during the Trump Administration.
#ButNothingsHappening Edwin Pagan III was indicted in November based upon the OIG investigation.
Now David Macey has been indicted too & the charges agains Pagan have been expanded.
It started as 'tell me who is getting indicted so I can get them to hire me as their lawyer."
Became warn the cartels... Image
Feb 11 7 tweets 3 min read
If you follow the fake news, you won't understand what
this means.
China is controlling rare earth minerals markets by buying Swamp creatures around the world to get mining rights & then not mine the minerals in places like Greenland & Ukraine.

Zelensky & Trump sprung the trap! Why? Because the Clinton Admin through the Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission sold those mining rights 30 years ago to oligarchs.
For Ukraine to resell the rights to the US, they must first prove that the sales to Clinton & Putin's oligarchs were corrupt!
Jan 26 12 tweets 5 min read
I guess Ekim Alpetkin & Bijan Kian will try anything to avoid flipping on Boeing & the Swamp creatures they own in Turkey & the US government...

#ButNothingsHappening Turkish Airways bought a lot of Boeing jets to fly Swampy US politicians in First Class!

Jan 21 6 tweets 3 min read
The term Narco-terrorism has been in use for decades.
Trump's new EO is based on western hemisphere drug cartels converging with hostile governments & other terrorists. Including efforts to control Swamps in countries vital to us.
#ButNothingsHappening whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…Image Trump also includes TdA & MS-13 within the scope of this order. If you're not aware, El Chapo reportedly hired MS-13 to assassinate Donald Trump before he ran for President the 1st time.
Likely in retaliation for Trump helping FBI identify El Chapo's money laundering networks. Image
Jan 6 4 tweets 2 min read
It's looking more & more like this alleged email from the Green Beret that committed suicide outside Trump's hotel in Las Vegas is fake.

The people behind it seem to have used an FBI statement about another message he sent to convince us that FBI confirmed this email was real. So either he was batshit crazy or the person who fake this email wanted to make him look batshit crazy.
It is possible that they want to use this incident to trick people into thinking their batshit crazy ideas were shared by Livelsberger.
Dec 14, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
The first flip by McKinsey!

Handed over the #receipts to DOJ to charge one of their former enior partners for helping fuel the opioid epidemic.

McKinsey is the world's Swampiest consulting firm!

Purdue Pharma case!

#ButNothingsHappening McKinsey's Deferred Prosecution Agreement requires them to cooperate with FBI & DOJ for the next 5 years.

If they fail to cooperate in any way, this deal becomes their confession & the criminal charges are revived against the company.

Failure to cooperate could me debarment! Image
Dec 4, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
CEO of UnitedHealthcare's insurance division gunned own in Manhattan outside of annual investor meeting.
Prior to 2021, he headed UH's govt division covering Medicare & retirement that Trump's DOJ accused of billions in fraud. #ButNothingsHappening nypost.com/2024/12/04/us-… In 2003, UnitedHealthcare & othe insurance companies convinced Congress & the Bush Admin to create Medicare Advantage claiming they could save the govt. money.
Instead they overbilled the US for more than a decade until the Obama Admin investigated.
Oct 16, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
yWhat may be the biggest part of the agreement, DOJ is referring Raytheon to DOD & other agencies to begin a review to determine if Raytheon or individuals involved should be suspended from government contracts & debarred from future contracts! Image So in addition to the corruption & bribery, the risks of Raytheon committing crimes to conceal corruption related to arms sales to foreign governments is a major factor in this case.
Opens contractors up to other off the books deals. Image
Oct 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The Swamp draining gets to Raytheon!

Not to mention more Swamp draining in Qatar!

#ButNothingsHappening Raytheon will pay $950 million to settle the allegations against the company for several different criminal schemse the company participated in.
Raytheon accepted a deferred prosecution agreement that becomes a confession at trial if they don't cooperate!
Sep 26, 2024 55 tweets 19 min read
Continuing to drain the Swamp in New York City.

Mayor Adams indicted by the DOJ following an FBI investigation.

And people still want to side with the Swamp against th FBI & DOJ.
Why could they still believe #ButNothingsHappening after 14 years of indictments & convictions? I wonder how he got caught?

Could it be one of Trump's partners in catching Swamp creatures for the FBI? Image
Aug 24, 2024 53 tweets 25 min read
Remember the researchers at Georgia Tech who were getting paid by the DOD & USAF to spy on Trump & feed that info into Hillary's oppo research campaign?
DOJ joined a lawsuit accusing GT on behalf of those researchers of lying to DOD about compliance with cybersecurity procedures. So the cybersecurity people accessing NSA data to spy upon Donald Trump for the Pentagon were willfully avoiding compliance with security proposals. Then pressuring GT to lie to the DOD & submit false audits claiming that their computers were secure.
Jul 15, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
This will likely be overturned, but it effectively sidelines the cases against Trump until after the election & almost certainly after his 2nd term.

The AG almost certainly has this authority both to appoint a special counsel & to fund them from funds appropriated to the DOJ. For those who don't understand the law in this case, Congress has authorized the Attorney General to specially appoint lawyers & conduct legal proceedings at the same level as US Attorneys without confirmation. It's specifically authorized. Image
Jun 25, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
Julian Assange flying to the North Marianas to plead guilty to espionage.
Gets a 62 month prison sentence, but will be released with time served for his 5 years in British prison.

Who'd he give up in exchange for the guilty plea?

nbcnews.com/politics/justi… The choice of the Northern Marianas Islands is unusual.

That US territory is a hub for Chinese money laundering to the US & to US politicians. Wonder if he will testify to a US grand jury while he is there? Or has he already done so by Zoom?
Jun 10, 2024 20 tweets 9 min read
Oh, this will be fun!

Beny Steinmetz connects to so much corruption around the world!

Steinmetz was arrested 3 years ago shortlay after FBI seized Hunter & Rudy's electronic devices including communications with his lawyer former FBI Director Louis Freeh.
#ButNothingsHappening Steinmetz focuses on the extractive industries, the root of most global swamp corruption.

So it's not a surprise that he has been sought for crimes around the world for buying friends & access to natural resources.
May 16, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Exclusive: The case of the Michael Cohen condo just got a whole lot more interesting!

I found an online report on the resident. It isn't an embassy or a diplomat.
It appears to be a couple who are financial reporters for CNBC & Bloomberg?

Sara Eisen of CNBC & Matthew Levine!

It was well publicized that Michael Cohen's condo at 111 Murray Street is 19West or 19W.
A condo that he rented on 11/27/18 prior to pleading guilty in SDNY on 11/29/18.

He testified in the DANY Trump trial that an embassy is renting it $15k per month.
May 15, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
EcoHealth Alliance being suspended from all federal grants while pending disbarment of all future grants too!

Daszak stole money from NIH to perform Gain of Function work.

Looks like it would apply to Daszak's grants from the Department of Defense too!
#ButNothingsHappening The majority of Daszak's funds came from DOD, but the previous investigations focused on Daszak taking money from NIH that prohibited him from conducting GoF work.
Work he did in Wuhan anyway & concealed it from NIH. Image
May 14, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
US sanctions Russian Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Beloglazov, the owner of the financial firm Titul for colluding with Putin's Oligarch Oleg Deripaska to sell his shares in an Austrian construction firm!
Shares frozen by sanctions...
#ButNothingsHappening Typical of sanctions evading schemes, they attempted to use shell companies to disguise the transactions & the owners of the shell companies.

Clinton Fd. donor & Spygate's main author, Oleg Deripaska has been indicted by the US for his sanctions evasion.
May 9, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
How a Russian oligarch took over the Republic of Georgia for Putin by pretending he was 'anti-Russian'.

This 'Georgian' politician paid Russian agent Chuck Dolan & Hillary Clinton foreign policy advisor while he was feeding false information about Trump into the Steele Dossier. Here's a thread on Ivanishvila & his DNC operative foreign agent in the United States.
Was the Georgian Dream Party paying Dolan to hide that it was Russia paying him to frame Trump & the FBI for Hillary Clinton?
May 4, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
If you haven't figured out why the Cuellar indictment is a big deal. This case has opened up money laundering & corruption of US politicians for 2 major locations. The drug cartels of Mexico & the oil deals of the Former Soviet Republics.
They bought every Swamp creature in DC! Multiple former speakers of the House, the Podest Group & other lobbyists.
Likely the Azeris will now be motivated to give up the #receipts on the people bought by the Armenians too!