Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Dec 25, 2018, 10 tweets

British Embassy in #Sudan reaffirms right of Sudanese to peaceful protest and police deal with protests "in accordance with international human rights law". #السودان Embassy also expects measures to investigate any abuse of force.

Embassy statement given in response to large-scale protests and clear armed forces presence. Volumes of ongoing footage and photo material documented in thread by @trbrtc 👇

Footage of forces beating and throwing people into back of white vehicle. Gunshots also heard. Geolocated to corner of El Qasr and Army Ave.… #الخرطوم #Sudan #Khartoum

Violence occurred directly between Khartoum's National Central Laboratory and Medical Campus of University of Khartoum #الخرطوم #Sudan #Khartoum (…).

Specific scene in footage shows individual being beaten and thrown in vehicle. h/t to @mr_hanzala. Video from University of Khartoum Medical Campus:… #الخرطوم #Sudan #Khartoum

Video of forces filmed from rooftop. Gunshots heard from El Jami Ave in Al Souq area.… #الخرطوم #Sudan #Khartoum

Geolocated footage of attacks moving to the entrance of Khartoum Teaching Hospital. (…) footage of attacks coming closer to hospital can also be seen here:… #الخرطوم #Sudan #Khartoum

Forces attack lone person in location previously geolocated where a man was left beaten by govt forces:
Location on El Jami Ave in Al Souq area (…) #مدن_السودان_تنتفض #موكب_25ديسمبر #الخرطوم #Sudanprotest

Geolocation of video in #Khartoum where gunshots heard and civilian left injured () & footage where different person is beaten by forces (). All on El Jami Ave (…): h/t to @3ba_adyz
#الخرطوم #مدن_السودان_تنتفض

Clashes between protestors and #Sudan forces on on El Qasr & Sayed Abdul Rahman Ave junction #Khartoum (…). Footage uploaded yesterday (25/12). Video taken near Khartoum University where civilians seen beaten: () #مدن_السودان_تنتفض

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