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Games of imagination, knowledge and wisdom. A single form is viewed through multiple mental, emotional, physical or spiritual lenses. Metagame at @JustKnecht.

Dec 28, 2018, 7 tweets

Player 1 chooses the character 响 xiǎng sound, noise as the theme

and reptiles and birds as the two first contexts

Player 2 claims the reptiles context with 响尾蛇 xiǎngwěishé rattlesnake

and chooses celebrations as a context

P1. claims celebrations with 双响 shuāngxiǎng a double-bang firecracker (which goes off twice—once on the ground, and then again in the air)

and chooses the weather as a context

P2. claims the weather with 响晴 xiǎngqíng cloudless

and chooses botany as a context

P1. claims birds with 黄腰响蜜䴕 huángyāoxiǎngmìliè yellow rumped honeyguide

and the players agree to call it quits

P2. wraps up the game by claiming botany with 响杨 xiǎngyáng Chinese white poplar

remarking in passing on a resemblance of the pattern on its bark with snakeskin

and thanking @plecosoft without which this game would not have been easy

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