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Femi Oluwole 🇬🇧Law grad Don't like when my government abets genocide 🍉 https://t.co/vumLBkQRxS Write for Independent Media enquiries: By Direct Message

Jan 19, 2019, 7 tweets

Unfortunately I am seeing some pretty horrendous pro-Brexit fake news on Facebook, basically scaremongering about an impending EU superstate. I can't report every post but I can give you this Thread.
I'm using primary sources (so my authority trumps theirs) so it won't be pretty.

OK secondary sources first so you get the rough gist of what I'm talking about.

The EU can only legislate in the areas that are outlined in the treaties. Which means the EU can't gain new powers unless we agree to change the treaties.

For example: Some areas are exclusive competences of the EU which means we only make laws in those areas as 28 countries working together.
And within those, certain sensitive areas require unanimity for anything to happen.
(e.g. defence [EU Army = BS])

Now here's why you can trust what I'm saying is true.

Article 4 & 5 of THE TREATY ON THE EUROPEAN UNION, makes it perfectly clear that National Sovereignty is to be respected and that decisions must be taken as close to the people as common sense allows.

Now if you want to know which areas are shared competences (i.e. can be legislated for at both the EU level and UK level) and which are exclusive EU competences (can only be done at the EU level) you can click this link.
NB: the default is national control

I hate that I had to make this thread. These people are disgusting. I'm immune to this stuff because I know exactly where in the treaties to look.
They're deliberately taking advantage of the fact that not everyone studied law and has a copy of the EU Treaties in their bookshelf.

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