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Jan 22, 2019, 89 tweets

[Make me] Kookmin AU 🔞NSFW

Fuckboy Jungkook is only soft with his baby boy, cutie guy Jimin is only naughty with his boyfriend. But nobody knows it.

#KookminAU #JikookAU

❥ Facts you need to know before reading

☼ Jimin and Jungkook are already together.
☼ They met when they were assigned together for a class. Started dating months after it.
☼ Jungkook is bestfriends with Namjoon and Hoseok.

☼Jimin is bestfriends with Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi.
☼Yoongi became friends with them after defending Jin from some assholes.
☼Nodoby knows that Jimin and Jungkook are dating (except their friends).

☼ 01 ☼

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Next part will contain a bit of nswf 🔞

☼ 06 ☼ NSFW 🔞

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Yes, he stuttered through text. And what about it? Also, the next part will contain nsfw ☺️

☼ 10 ☼ NSFW 🔞

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☼ 13 ☼

Next part it’s going to be written nsfw 👀

☼ 14 ☼ NSFW 🔞

(1/3) Please excuse any grammar error, english it’s not my first language and I’m not used to write something this long. Also I apologize for the poor drafting 🤧

☼ 15 ☼ NSFW 🔞

(2/3) yeah, Jimin loves Jungkook’s abs; and the other loves calling Jimin baby boy... and his ass 👀

☼ 16 ☼ NSFW 🔞

(3/3) But at the end, they are just a couple of cheesy and adorable dorks 💕🥺

☼ 17 ☼

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She won’t give up

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Keeps trying 👀

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Honestly, I’m bad at waiting to update :c stop me or the au will end sooner jqbss

☼ 30 ☼ NSFW 🔞

This is after the date ✨
#kookminau #KookminAU

☼ 31 ☼ NSFW 🔞

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☼ 34 ☼

If you notice, Jungkook started to give flowers to Jimin since he was called “his new toy”.

☼ 35 ☼

And he did it plenty of times.

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☼ 47 ☼ NSFW 🔞

Last photo is a representation of how movie night ended up 👀

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☼ 55 ☼ Slightly nsfw 🔞

☼ 56 ☼ Trigger warning: stalking and nudes exposed.

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Trigger warning: nudes exposed.

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Trigger warning: nudes exposing and slut shaming.

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| The end |

So, this is the end 🥺 I wanted to thank everyone who supported this crazy idea that came from nowhere.

I hope you all liked it 💖

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