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Comic Book Writer. I'm not posting on Twitter/X. You can find me at @ https://t.co/EPHMxtePjs on BlueSky @ dan.slott on Threads or @ dan.slott on Instagram

Feb 24, 2019, 9 tweets

#SpiderVerse origins:
6/9/09, @Beenox studios flew me to Quebec to show me their new game in development: Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions so I could write the story around it. It'd involve Spidey, Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, & Spider-Man 2099, all in one big adventure.

#SpiderVerse origins:
I called my editor, Steve Wacker, from the studio. Told him the game looked GREAT and that we should do this story in the comics, but one up them, make it BIGGER and do something they couldn't do, have all the Spideys interact, and use EVERY SPIDER-MAN EVER!

#SpiderVerse origins:
At a 2011 Marvel Retreat we discussed plans for Spidey's 50th in '12. Bendis pitched SPIDER-MEN, where Miles would team-up/hang out w/ the Peter Parker from the mainstream Marvel U. THIS is the story that would form the heart & soul of INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE.

#SpiderVerse origins:
Steve pushed for Brian and I to write it together, since he was on USM and I was on ASM. It felt like a personal story for Brian, so I didn't push. Instead I offered a deal. Brian would get Peter for SPIDER-MEN. I'd get Miles for a later event: SPIDER-VERSE.

#SpiderVerse origins:
There were some bumps along the way. Originally SPIDER-VERSE was going to run as a big arc in the SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN run. But it was decided by the powers-that-be it should take place after Peter Parker returned. (It would've been a VERY different story!)

#SpiderVerse origins:
In the run up to the first Spider-Verse, a LOT changed. There *was* a Spider-Gwen in the 1st draft, but she wasn't as cool as the Spider-Gwen Jason, Robbi, & Rico created! Way & Wyatt created Peni Parker, and Silk & Spider-Punk became characters in it too.

#SpiderVerse origins:
In 2014-15 the Spider-Verse event finally arrived!
With Spidey, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen, Miles, Noir, 2099, & pretty much Every Spider-Man Ever fighting the vampiric Inheritors across multiple dimensions! It was fun!😀

#SpiderVerse origins:
Spider-Verse made its way into cartoon series, video games, and toys...

#SpiderVerse origins:
But nothing will ever top that there's a Spider-Verse movie now-- an #oscar nominated movie, that's my favorite Spider-Man movie ever! Everyone who worked on this beauty deserves every damn accolade they've been getting!
And I'll always be their biggest fan!

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