Aamir Mughal Profile picture
Retired Officer of Intelligence Bureau, Govt of Pakistan & Student of History

Mar 1, 2019, 7 tweets

1 - External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks at the #OIC Conclave
(1 MAR 2019 Times Now) @javeednusrat on Excellent UAE India & Iran India Ties . (Archive Footage)


#SayNoToWar #India #Pakistan #Peace #SayNoToTerrorism #او_آئ_سی

2 - External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks at the #OIC Conclave
(1 MAR 2019 Times Now) @javeednusrat on Excellent UAE India & Iran India Ties . (Archive Footage)


#SayNoToWar #India #Pakistan #Peace #SayNoToTerrorism #او_آئ_سی

3 - External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks at the #OIC Conclave
(1 MAR 2019 Times Now) @javeednusrat on Excellent UAE India & Iran India Ties . (Archive Footage)


#SayNoToWar #India #Pakistan #Peace #SayNoToTerrorism #او_آئ_سی

4 - External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks at the #OIC Conclave
(1 MAR 2019 Times Now) @javeednusrat on Excellent UAE India & Iran India Ties . (Archive Footage)


#SayNoToWar #India #Pakistan #Peace #SayNoToTerrorism #او_آئ_سی

ٹکے کا مسخرہ شفاعت علی اس پروگرام کی ریٹنگ پرجملے کس رہا تھا جبکہ شفاعت کی اگلی سات نسلوں اورپچھلی سات نسلوں کو "بیرکی فلان" کی بھی شاید ہی خبرہو۔ پچھلے 4 کلپس ملاحظہ فرمائیں تاکہ پتہ چلے کے کامیاب خارجہ پالیسی ہوتی کیا ہے؟


5 - External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks at the #OIC Conclave
(1 MAR 2019 Times Now) Patriot Syed Talat Tom Cruise Hussain at his best ! Darling of some of the Shit for Brains Patwaris

#SayNoToWar #India #Pakistan #Peace #SayNoToTerrorism #او_آئ_سی

6 - External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks at the #OIC Conclave
(1 MAR 2019 Times Now) Patriot Dr Moeed Thumb Pirzada at his best !

Its called diplomacy you dumb idiot

#SayNoToWar #India #Pakistan #Peace #SayNoToTerrorism #او_آئ_سی

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