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Mar 4, 2019, 33 tweets

(THREAD) This thread is a guided tour of the 81 PERSONS from whom the House Judiciary Committee is now seeking documents in contemplation of possible impeachment proceedings down the line. These names tell us much about where Congress is headed. I hope you'll read on and retweet.

PERSON #51: MICHAEL FLYNN JR. Flynn Jr. secretly went with his dad to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's private residence in December 2015—while his dad was advising Trump on national security. Flynn Sr. called it a productive discussion of US-Russian relations—i.e., sanctions.

PERSON #74: TONY FABRIZIO. Fabrizio—a Trump campaign pollster—collected the high-value polling data that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort secretly gave to Kremlin agent Konstantin Kilimnik during the campaign. Fabrizio was working for George Birnbaum, a top Netanyahu adviser.

PERSON #46: MATT TAIT. This former British spy was approached by the late GOP operative Peter W. Smith, who was secretly working with Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Sam Clovis, and Kellyanne Conway to get Clinton's emails from Russian hackers via the Dark Web. Tait refused to help.

PERSON #72: TOM BARRACK. A Trump/Manafort pal, Barrack got Trump to hire Manafort when Manafort—who repped pro-Putin pols for millions for a decade—told Barrack he "had to get to Trump" to work for free. Barrack ran the inaugural and lobbied Trump to give the Saudis nuclear tech.

PERSON #64: SAM NUNBERG. Nunberg—a Roger Stone mentee—advised Trump in the years before Trump's run and in the early weeks of the campaign. He says that Trump knew he'd run by November 2012—which resets the Trump-Russia "quid pro quo" timeline. Trump says he chose to run in 2015.

PERSON #43: KT MCFARLAND. A Bud McFarlane mentee and Flynn's deputy, McFarland lied to Congress on the Flynn-Russia sanctions negotiations and is closely tied to a cadre of Trump associates—like McFarlane and Flynn—who were secretly lobbying Trump to give the Saudis nuclear tech.

PERSON #53: PAUL ERICKSON. A top GOP operative and Russian spy Maria Butina's boyfriend, Erickson not only aided Butina—financially and more—in convincing the NRA to generously (historically) fund Trump's campaign, he also worked to connect Kremlin agents with top Trump advisers.

PERSON #47: MATTHEW CALAMARI. A Trump bodyguard who became an Executive VP and COO at the Trump Organization, Calamari accompanied Trump to Moscow in 1996—a trip during which Congressional investigators appear to believe the Kremlin collected blackmail on Trump from wild parties.

PERSON #25: FELIX SATER. A convicted felon and former Russian mobster who Trump famously lied about not knowing—under oath—in 2013, Sater was Trump's Russian fixer from 2003 on, working closely with Trump for a decade (into his presidential campaign) to land him Russian business.

PERSON #22: ERIC TRUMP. Trump's middle son bragged to a journalist in 2014 that Trump's golf courses—a key part of the Trump Organization's asset profile—are wholly funded by Russian banks. It has been widely reported that Eric was more involved in the campaign than many realize.

PERSON #9: BRITTANY KAISER. This Mueller cooperator was a director at Trump's data firm, Cambridge Analytica—in which role, per the Guardian, she funneled donations and payments to WikiLeaks, and met Assange face-to-face just after Trump's inauguration to discuss the election.

PERSON #58: RHONA GRAFF. Trump's secretary for years, Graff has inexplicably evaded investigators' attention until now—despite the fact that she was the gatekeeper for much of the information that flowed to Trump pre-election, including outreach from Kremlin agents the Agalarovs.

PERSON #48: MICHAEL CAPUTO. A former Kremlin and Gazprom adviser who became a Trump adviser during the presidential campaign, Caputo helped a Russian national claiming to have dirt on Hillary Clinton meet with Roger Stone, then a top adviser to Trump with regular access to him.

PERSON #45: MARK CORALLO. A former Trump spokesman, Mark Corallo quit his job as Trump's flack shortly after the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting was revealed and Trump dictated false statements about the event to the public. Corallo said at the time he thought he was being lied to.

PERSON #55: PETER W. SMITH. In 2017, this GOP operative "committed suicide," leaving a note that said "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER." During the campaign he worked secretly with Flynn, Bannon, Clovis, and Conway to try to get stolen Clinton emails from Russian hackers on the Dark Web.

PERSON #56: RANDY CREDICO. This radio personality, comedian, and Roger Stone frenemy was said by Stone to have been the Trump adviser's intermediary to WikiLeaks—an allegation Credico denies, though emails reveal he told Stone he was able to get info from Assange via a middleman.

PERSON #60: RINAT AKHMETSHIN. This "former" Soviet intel officer attended the June 2016 Trump-Russia meeting at Trump Tower (at which the Kremlin was supposed to deliver stolen Clinton docs to the Trumps). Don Jr. accepted the help—then later said he couldn't remember Akhmetshin.

NOTE #1: I'm not including in this thread many people on Congress's list who everyone already knows: Page, Lewandowski, McGahn, Pecker, Trump Jr., Prince, Papadopoulos, Hicks, Kushner, Assange, Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Priebus, Gates, Goldstone, Stone, Spicer, Bannon, or Parscale.

NOTE #2: I'm also not including many *institutions* on Congress's list that everyone already knows: Cambridge Analytica, DOJ, FBI, Flynn Intel Group, the GSA, Kushner Companies, the NRA, WikiLeaks, the Trump Organization, the Trump Foundation, and Trump's campaign and transition.

NOTE #3: There are also some obscure entities people would be less interested in, like COLUMBUS NOVA, which hired Cohen to lobby for it under suspicious circumstances, or Erik Prince's FRONTIER SERVICES GROUP, which is related to Prince's incredibly complex role in all of this.

NOTE #4: Many of the names I've written about at such length in Proof of Collusion, and will be writing about in the upcoming Proof of Conspiracy—including some names I mentioned in this thread—that they likely need no re-introduction, for instance Nix, Nader, and (J.D.) Gordon.

NOTE #5: Some names are either exclusively related to the Daniels and McDougal payoffs (e.g., AMI, Pecker, Davidson) or have such small roles in this scandal (e.g., the translator at the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting) that I don't feel the need to go into detail about them here.

PERSON #37: JEFF SESSIONS. Many may assume Congress is only interested in Sessions for the memo he wrote to Trump recommending Comey's firing—but he also ran Trump's NatSec advisory committee pre-election, secretly negotiated sanctions with Kislyak, and lied to Congress about it.

NOTE #6: Some folks—like John Szobocsan, an associate of Peter Smith; or Jason Maloni, a Manafort spokesman; or Jay Sekulow, a Trump "TV lawyer" who Cohen appears to allege made changes to his Congressional statement—I'm laying off for now because their full relevance is unclear.

NOTE #7: There are certainly some names I would've liked to see here that aren't here, like (say) Kellyanne Conway, Joseph Schmitz, Sam Clovis, Joel Zamel, Oleg Deripaska (just so he could publicly refuse), "Nastya Rybka," Keith Kellogg, and Walid Phares—but this is just Round 1.

PERSONS #1, #3, #63: ALAN GARTEN, ALLEN WEISSELBERG, RONALD LIEBERMAN. These Trump Org execs know of Trump's dodgy financial practices, some of which are broadly illegal—like inflating assets when seeking loans—and some of which are Russia-related (like Trump Tower Moscow deals).

PERSON #33: J.D. GORDON. The number-two man on Trump's "National Security Advisory Committee" during the presidential campaign, Gordon told the media that Trump ordered the pro-Kremlin RNC platform change on Ukraine at a March 2016 meeting—and then reversed himself and denied it.

NOTE #8: Some names of persons or entities are so in the weeds they're not worth focusing on here, though they may well be important. For instance, JULIAN DAVID WHEATLAND took over as CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA chief executive after ALEXANDER NIX, and SCL GROUP owns CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA.

NOTE #9: Into this category I also put ANNIE DONALDSON, ex-Chief of Staff to DON MCGAHN; CHRISTOPHER BURNHAM, a Trump transition official who got a job with Deripaska when Trump dropped sanctions on a Deripaska outfit; and two —SHERI DILLON and STEFAN PASSANTINO.

PERSON #70: TED MALLOCH. This London-based Trump adviser is connected to ROGER STONE and "Brexit" guru (and Trump booster) Nigel Farage, and has been suspected of being a WikiLeaks intermediary for Team Trump. He was stopped, searched, and interrogated by Mueller's team in 2018.

NOTE #10: When I wrote "persons" in the first tweet in this thread, I of course knew many entries on the Judiciary Committee's list were entities, not people—but for each entity there's a Keeper of the Records or other agent who'll be tasked with responding to Congress's request.

PERSON #73: TOM BOSSERT. Bossert is Trump's former Homeland Security Advisor, so the list of things he might be able to tell Congress about is too long to list here. Just remember, Trump's entire foreign policy and national security agenda has been corrupted by foreign interests.

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