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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Mar 5, 2019, 8 tweets

Sacramento #BLM announces it’ll be “occupying” Sacramento Police Department on Tues-Thur from 3:00 to 6:00 pm indefinitely. BLM had been doing the same at the DA’s office, a protest that lasted nearly a year & continued up until DA’s #StephonClark decision @FOX40

Protestors just beginning to show up outside Sac PD headquarters for #StephonClark protests @FOX40

Roughly about 30 people here now, likely will continue to grow #StephonClark @FOX40

#BLM protest outside of Sacramento PD headquarters. BLM says they’ll occupy this location Tues-Thurs indefinitely in the name of #StephonClark @FOX40

Demonstrators now posting signs up on the window of the Sacramento Police Department. Still not much activity here, relatively smaller #StephonClark occupy protest compared to larger past demonstrations @FOX40

WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE demonstrators surrounding but not going inside PD headquarters #StephonClark @FOX40

Demonstrators continuing to “occupy” Sacramento Police Headquarters in the name of #StephonClark -posted up in front of the Sacramento Public Safety Center sign on Freeport Blvd @FOX40

Tonight on @FOX40 at 10:00 we’ll be recapping another day of protest and frustration in the name of #StephonClark -from city hall to a demonstration that occupied Sacramento police headquarters earlier this evening

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