Sana Saeed Profile picture
media critic. I make 'backspace', a media critique series at @ajplus. meccavellian. views my own, so don’t plagiarize. currently uncouth.

Mar 27, 2019, 5 tweets

It’s funny hearing people say that ‘Palestine does not exist” or “there never was a “Palestine”” - forgetting how even the Zionist movement itself, from the earliest days, referred to that land as Palestine in its propaganda, brochures, ideological essays...

The Jerusalem Post (renamed in 1950) was originally founded in 1932 by Gershon Agron under what name again?

United Palestine Appeal - today known as United Israel Appeal.

That beautiful “Visit Palestine” poster? The one that’s now a symbol of Palestinian resistance in its own way? It was designed by Frank Krausz in 1936 to encourage Jewish immigration and tourism to Palestine. #PalestineExists

The Balfour Declaration that paved the way for the colonial destruction of Palestine and the creation of the State of Israel referred to the land as..? #PalestineExists

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