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media critic. I make 'backspace', a media critique series at @ajplus. meccavellian. views my own, so don’t plagiarize. currently uncouth.
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May 2 9 tweets 6 min read
You are wrong.

India is the largest buyer of Israeli arms - where do you think those arms are being used?

India routinely uses Israeli tactics to suppress, kill & disappear Kashmiri Muslims and entrench its occupation. Hindutva conceptualization of Indian identity and claims of indigneity take a lot directly from Zionist conceptions as well.

While the U.S. is responsible for the formation of the Global War on Terror, its ideas of security were taken from Israeli practices of security - which are rooted in Zionism. India used these ideas to expand laws and practices to, again, entrench its occupation of Kashmir and criminalize and kill our young men.

Zionism is an ethnosupremacist ideology that relies on Islamophobia for the continued “legitimacy” of Israel and its violence. Zionist groups, pro-Israel groups were foundational to fomenting Islamophobia in the U.S. (which already was racist, ofc). Guess where Hindutva talking points come from?

Connecting the systems of violence and supremacist ideology that exist, that feed off one another to uphold occupation and ethnic cleansing isn’t “antisemitism” and saying that this is, is not only an erasure of these connections but denial of what our peoples have experienced and at whose hands.Image
The way in which people dismiss what has happened to Kashmiris, and how deeply connected that is to Israel and the US, is one of my biggest frustrations. It is a complete erasure of what Kashmiri Muslims have experienced at the hands of the Indian state bolstered and armed by the Israelis and Americans.
Apr 17 11 tweets 2 min read
One of the key ways the ‘Antisemitism on Campus’ discourse has developed is through the categorization of “Pro-Palestinian students” vs “Jewish students”.

Muslim/Arab students are made to occupy a politic vs pro-Israel Jewish students who are made to only occupy identity.

🧵 It’s a very cynical use of language & categorization that is purposeful. “Pro-Palestinian” is, of course, an umbrella - it includes Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Black Americans, Jews, LGBTQIA, etc. But when pitted against “Jewish students” or just “Jews” - it’s made threatening, because of how Palestinians & fight for their liberation is manufactured in American/Zionist imaginings: anti-Semitic, wanting the destruction of Jews.
Apr 11 4 tweets 2 min read
this narrative of ‘low intensity’ or ‘scaling back’ the war (see: genocide) has been around for months while we have continued to see increased horrific slaughter & war crimes

Original NYT headline Image
Apr 6 9 tweets 2 min read
I don’t care for the protests in Israel. I never have and never will. I don’t care about the political aspirations and grievances of people who are - by definition - violent settlers. Even those born there are settlers in the context of on-going land theft & occupation.

🧵 If this strikes you as harsh, then I suppose you also would’ve found it harsh when people said they did not care about the political aspirations & grievances of white southerners during Jim Crow or whites in apartheid South Africa.
Mar 18 11 tweets 3 min read
For the last six months, there’s been a common refrain that pops up even among those sympathetic to the Palestinians:

‘What else did Hamas expect?’

Not only does this framing justify genocide as a logical response but it also erases US/Israeli culpability & history.

🧵 From everything we know there was a simple plan & expectation for Oct 7: grab hostages & exchange them for imprisoned Palestinians. One hostage mentioned that a fighter told her she’d be back home on Tuesday - expectation was that Israel would want its civilians back.
Mar 15 8 tweets 3 min read
‘91-‘92, >40k Haitian asylum seekers fled after a US/France-backed coup of Haiti’s first democratically-elected leader. HW Bush turned them away & the coast guard rerouted them to Gitmo.

Gitmo then became a concentration camp for Haitians w/HIV, later ruled unconstitutional. /1

The conditions in the camp were horrific: Haitians faced violence from US military, forced medical procedures, rotten food & no sanitation. It was pure filth and squalor because of how the US treated them. Almost 300 Haitians were kept in Gitmo bc they had HIV, per a 1987 US law.
Mar 2 5 tweets 2 min read
The other night I went to Aaron Bushnell’s memorial, outside the Israeli embassy at the spot where he gave his last protest, to pay my respects.

It hit the spirit in a way I don’t have words for.


I’ve been thinking about Aaron everyday since his protest; several times a day. I keep thinking about how he chose to protest -what do we think a bomb does to a body? - and I keep thinking about how he kept screaming “Free Palestine” until the flames completely had engulfed him.
Feb 10 7 tweets 2 min read
Just heard handpicked Muslim ‘leaders’ were invited to an event w/ DC-based ElHibri foundation & Emgage to discuss the 2024 election. Was informed that attendees include Wajahat Ali, Dalia Mogahed, Hamza Yusuf. Seems it may be an attempt to rescue the Muslim vote for Biden. From what I’ve been told, doesn’t seem as though anyone from Abandon Biden campaign was invited. Instead, it seems it’s a very particular group of people invited by DC gatekeepers who have a vested interest in maintaining relationships with the Democratic Party.
Jan 29 16 tweets 6 min read
Norway has historically been one of Israel’s closest and most trusted allies, but it is also home to a very pro-Palestine movement.

🧵 Following WWII, there was a lot of sympathy and guilt for what Europe had allowed to happen to European Jewry. Norway, w/a very conservative Christian population & also a strong trade/labor movement, supported the Jewish colonization of Palestine.
Jan 21 5 tweets 2 min read
The only thing we don’t know yet about Tawfiq Ajaq’s murder is whether an Israeli soldier’s bullet killed him or a settler’s. But we know it was an Israeli bullet (3rd image).

NYT’s framing here is erasure of Israeli targetings & killings of Palestinian children.


Compare NYT’s headlines to these two, from other mainstream US news outlets. AP mentions Israeli fire (accurate), doesn’t qualify, CBS mentions Israeli forces, qualifies with mentioning the claim is made by Palestinians. Either way, both name the culprit.
Dec 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Incredible video, highlighting points I made re: Israel vs Hamas propaganda. This Israeli video has dual impact.

Israelis sharing this relish his death.

Palestinians (&others) see a man who, w/his last breath, remembers God &dies w/dignity.

This helps -doesn’t hurt- Hamas 🧵 It appears a ‘lonely’ death, but he doesn’t see himself as alone given how he chooses to prepare himself for his death.

For Muslims, a crucial part of our belief & practice is that we are never alone - Allah (swt) is closer to us than our jugular vein (Quran 50:16).
Dec 28, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Hamas drops videos of Palestinian fighters inflicting considerable damage on Israeli troops.

The Israeli army gives us TikToks in the homes of Palestinians they’ve displaced& stylized videos of civilian men, women & kids stripped down, cuffed &blind-folded in razed stadiums.

🧵 This goes beyond simply a so-called propaganda war. It’s about how Israel characterizes its ‘power’ in front of its main audience: the Israelis. In other words, they’re giving the more than 90% of Israelis who wanna keep razing Gaza the ✨content✨ that keeps them satiated.
Dec 4, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Israel hasn’t had any major military victory in Gaza. All it’s done is destroy the healthcare infrastructure, schools, neighborhoods, kill thousands of kids; starve 2.2 million, displace millions. They’ve made Gaza far more unlivable but they have no major military wins.

🧵 And while yes, that was the whole point - displace Palestinians, empty out Gaza, take over and further occupation - they aren’t able to actually militarily defeat Palestinian resistance groups. Instead, *all* the Israeli military can do is kill & displace civilians.
Oct 31, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
Let's talk about this New Yorker piece on "Hamas Propaganda" which actually serves Israeli propaganda against journalists in Gaza as well as the only news outlets with dedicated on-the-ground correspondents & coverage of Israeli war crimes against Palestinians.


I'll be focusing on specific parts that stood out.

(disclosure: I work for Al Jazeera, views here are my own)
Oct 30, 2023 28 tweets 12 min read
I'm going to breakdown parts of this Atlantic article - how dangerous this and the ideas presented in it are.

This piece isn't concerned with truths of colonization & Israel, but with dismissing Palestinian claims of history & crimes by Israel.

It's Nakba denialism.

🧵 Image 2nd paragraph. Zero sources provided for grandiose claims we're expected to take as true. On Oct 7, before anyone knew how many Israelis had been killed, many were shocked &, yes, happy that a displaced population that has been imprisoned & besieged broke out. Image
Aug 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
And here we go. Not a ‘conspiracy theory’ anymore.

The Intercept obtained the cable that PTI/Imran Khan have been claiming for months prove US involvement.

It shows the pressure came following his refusal to align with US/NATO & his visit to Russia.…

Also appreciate how thorough this reporting is in laying it all out on a story that has received abysmal, shameful coverage. Great work @ryangrim @MazMHussain.
Oct 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Between the continued collapse of the UK gov’t, Italy’s open embrace of neo-fascism, Sweden voting far right, the Swiss banning niqabs, France’s existence & RUS/UKR war -we need to ask what is wrong with European civilization and why is it unable to uphold freedom & democracy? Image
Mar 27, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
It’s funny hearing people say that ‘Palestine does not exist” or “there never was a “Palestine”” - forgetting how even the Zionist movement itself, from the earliest days, referred to that land as Palestine in its propaganda, brochures, ideological essays...

The Jerusalem Post (renamed in 1950) was originally founded in 1932 by Gershon Agron under what name again? Image