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Apr 19, 2019, 8 tweets

How does a Math teacher with no college go to managing Rockefeller's money portfolio, a seat on CFR, and the Trilateral Commission? Maybe it's the work of Robert Maxwell... nymag.com/nymetro/news/p…

The man who put Jeffery Epstein in power was Robert Maxwell, a Mossad agent. Publisher and member of UK Parliament, Maxwell "drowned" in 1991 before it came out of his pension group was missing millions. Maxwell was behind Mirror Group Newspapers... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Ma…

After Maxwell's death, daughter Ghislaine turned to Epstein, “He saved her,” I remember a close friend of mine told me. “When her father died, she was a wreck; inconsolable. And then Jeffrey took her in. She’s never forgotten that—and never will.”

Epstein's said Steven Hoffenberg was his mentor. Like Maxwell, Hoffenberg made hundreds of millions from investment fraud. The man who made Epstein and the man who taught Epstein both owned big media. The power to expose is the power to extract. Mossad. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Ho…

Besides blackmail, Epstein's job was recruiting underage girls. This goes way beyond his own sickness. He was paying $200 to sexually assault a girl and $800 for her to recruit new girls. He was building a crop of underage sex workers. This is all Mossad. miamiherald.com/news/local/art…

I think this quote clears Trump. If you've read my work I'm not shy of his scrutiny. In his world, Trump doesn't have the luxury of a free tongue. Still, he found ways to pierce the veil.

The Passover feast is over. After a meal, we have a wishbone ritual. Two thumbs from two sides square off in the breaking of a single arched bone. "There can be only one." Did Trump marry Israel, or did Israel marry Trump?

Mossad is a snake that eats itself. What is Saturn but a bunch of rocks hurled in the same direction? Evil doesn't need a center so much as it needs a direction. There are seven heads protruding from the same base.

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