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Sep 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1) On the heights once lived giants. They were as big as pine-trees and had heads as big as boulders. They taught the Tarahumaras how to plant corn, by cutting down trees and burning them, but they ate children. 2) From Wasivori (near Cusarare) came giants to Nararachic to ask alms. Tesvino [a kind of beer made from corn] they liked very much. They worked very fast, and the Tarahumaras put them to hoe and weed the corn, and gave them food and tesvino.
Aug 4, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The media’s answer to “What horrible tragedy happened to the Sandy Hook families” went from ‘they lost their children’ to ‘Alex Jones said stuff.’ 2) The underlying theme here is stop doubting the news. Alex and his team rolled over a long time ago and if you listen to the trial you won’t hear a single objection from his lawyer. It feels like the mock trial itself is part of the deal they made.
Jul 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There's a moment on the operating table where the patient's past suddenly becomes "hate speech."
jtrue.com/blog/his-name-… 2) "Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers." - Dr. Paul McHugh Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Mar 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1) It’s tough because you tell someone belief is an electromagnetic field (EMF) and they still think you are reducing it to some hypothetical abstract. But when we are surrounded by millions of people who believe in a deadly pathogen we are submerged in a very real radiation… 2) Since that radiation has the word “belief” on its label, we’re supposed to be magically immune from its toxicity. Is Corona something more? Did the aperture of the sun change? Probably. Sunspots say yes…
Mar 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Step 1) Remind people Jews should be heralded as colored people. Step 2) Garnish support for colored person’s war against oppression.
Mar 9, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
The Demon Lady of Nine Foxes is the Phoenix. Three days ago, her rock split open. 2) The scorpion are corporate mosquitos who “Passover” anyone with CovAIDs.
Mar 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Today's episode goes a long way to explaining Project Bluebeam. You can see its footprints all over history. 2) Meet Halton Arp. Banned from the telescope for exposing astronomy. #HaltonArp
Jan 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The next mitosis is going to be over money. The people still defending the petrodollar now are going to keep fighting for the illusion just like the vaxxers did, just like the zionists did, and just like the voters keep doing. 2) Sovereign men have been fighting for independent currency since 1776. We suffered massive setbacks/enslavement under Lincoln and Kennedy. The entire world has burned to enforce the value of the dollar and the very people who bitch about the system won’t stop sucking its teat.
Jan 4, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Remember this? This turned out to be a pretty big lie. So why would a man supposedly focused on colonizing Mars spend so much precious time trying to solve traffic on Earth? 2) Home of first Zika case which turned out to be bogus. Home of Parkland Psyop. Home of the most corrupt politician and sheriff we’ve ever known. Is it any wonder they would be the first to launder money through the Boring Company’s tunnel?
Dec 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I am under the impression Washington DC dissolved on March 22 when the Presidential Seal was removed from the podium for a month and covid began. Since that date, a private corporation bought the rights to the White House and is running a franchise from the building. 2) No private business is required to disclose to customers who owns the building. That agreement is a private lease made between two consenting parties. Every customer who does business with the White House is entering into a voluntary agreement as any customer does.
Nov 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1) CoinMarketCap is claiming crypto went down because of a new variant of covid was found in Africa… the place where none of us can verify the story. You can read the news or you can “see” the news. These are very different things. Image 2) But if you look what’s happening the tectonic plates are simply shifting. In Defi, #OlympusDAO looks like it’s actually working despite being tested by fraudsters like #SnowbankDAO and #snowdogdao. We already see why the fiat market required so much fraud to exist. Image
Nov 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Telling someone how above porn you are is a kind of public masturbation. 2) I’m above watching NASCAR but I don’t go around telling everyone how degrading and degenerative NASCAR is. Why? Because I am above it.

Therefore, the people who go on about how above porn they are are closer to porn than you might think.
Aug 24, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1) Pneumonia kills 50,000 a year in US/3 million/yr globally. Covid is a nasty viral pneumonia that was killing people long before Fauci branded it as covid. There is no way to determine if someone has pneumonia vs Covid. Why? They are the same thing. 2) PCR is only finding the footprints of your body fighting the infection. Every time the body heals itself, pharma comes in and wages war on the body’s response. They tell the patient the response is killing them and so it does.
Aug 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
PCR… A lab buys what is called an isolated virus online. “Isolated” for most labs means an unknown party swabbed someone who they believed was sick with covid and assumed the swab has an active covid virus and that the virus is activate and growing. 2) They take this assumption and without separating the virus from the cell or removing the RNA from inside the virus they immerse the entire mixture into a tissue sample of monkey kidney cells and bovine parts.
Aug 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Seriously consider what I have said about this being a mass culling of the vaccinated. I know it looks like a rough road but the industrial medical complex is about to kill itself off right in front of you... #BestApocalypseEver 2) Realize it would be impossible to live in a community with people who think this way. The medical industry is too diseased to heal itself. It has to be culled and its believers are rushing into the nest.
Aug 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Virologists today remind me of Typhoid Mary insisting her customers must prove they can cook soup before she'd agree to stop wiping her ass with the ladle. #IntellectualNepotism “We demonstrate that elementary protocol errors, inappropriate data analysis, and inadequate reporting continue to be rife and conclude that the majority of published RT-qPCR data are likely to represent technical noise.” - Dr. Stephen Bustin
Aug 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Three hours later and I finally get a virologist to admit the word “sequence” is not the word “virus.”

I can see now why it would require millions of people to die before medicine will smell its own taint. This 2017 article hints at the same problems as HIV and COVID. Nothing in virology seems to add up since PCR doesn’t isolate.

“Why Zika viral RNA and not infectious virus would persist for so long is an important and unanswered question”

Aug 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1) Today's show unveiled The Field Guide to Edible Propaganda. I've included a few pages in this thread. You can watch the entire episode on my Rokfin channel. You can download the guide on my Patreon. rokfin.com/stream/8065/23… 2) Propaganda is anything that creates emotion. This can be good or bad. Helpful or destructive. We use propaganda to protect our children. We use it to overcome obstacles. Stop pretending you don't use propaganda yourself so you can learn to see it better in the wild.
Aug 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s simple. Your job or your immune system. The fact people are struggling with this choice kinda proves why we need a eugenics program. 2) A govt who orchestrates domestic terrorism has zero issues practicing eugenics. Tuskegee. Cutter Incident. Swine Flu Coverup. Decades of mercury. 3 million dead honeybees. These are Wikipedia entries not conspiracies. All of them called “safe and effective” by the CDC.
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#236 - A History of Government Mafia. Don't miss today's show or else there could be an unexpected and tragic vaccident. rokfin.com/stream/7902 #Rokfin 2) Government is mafia and disassembling it would bankrupt the jobs market.
Jul 28, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
A transplant student would have an easier time lying about who he was. His FBI family would put him on the news to test the waters before the “big show.” His FBI mother posing as a transplant teacher would give him instant credibility. All you need is the Secret Service on scene. And there were several. Each of them planting stories like breadcrumbs all along the trail… Image