Rosie Memos Profile picture
Expert level typo maker.

Apr 23, 2019, 8 tweets

Apparently I'm not allowed to tweet this.

Alright. Now I’m on a mission.…

So @ewarren’s Dad was a flight instructor for the ARMY during WWII and all she says about him is he was a janitor, that’s rude #WarrenTownHall…

So Dad was the son of a business owner attending Texas (?) A&M for engineering and Mom was the prominent daughter of a building contractor🧐so how did they become so terribly broke? Not impossible but...…

WOW. Look at that Oil money 🤣 #WarrenTownHall

Okay so apparently she used to talk about her Father’s time “flying” he was too old to be a fighter pilot and then too old to be hired anywhere after🤷🏼‍♀️. She was known as “Betsy” growing up and both her brothers were in the military, that’s cool.…

An Oklahoma millionaire in 1930.…

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