Chakravarty Sulibele Profile picture
Columnist| writer| YuvaBrigade| Natural Farmer| NamoBrigade| TeamModi| Nationalist ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ| Ramakrishna Bhakt and Svami Ranganathanand ji Shishya

Apr 28, 2019, 12 tweets

Kukke subramanya is the only NAGA kshetra of the nation. But this is the condition of this holy land today. We could collect thousands of bottles roadside more than half is this liquor bottles. Why do people come to places like this? Have we failed to maintain the sanctity?

Kukke Subramanya located in the village of Subramanya, Karnataka. In this temple Kartikeya is worshipped as Subramanya,lord of all serpents. The epics relate that the divine serpent Vasuki and other serpents found refuge under Subramanya when threatened by the Garuda.

The Kumaradhara River is one of the two major rivers of Sullia, it merges with the Netravati River.
It is believed that pilgrims visiting the Kukke Subrahmanya Temple must cross the Kumaradhara, taking a holy bath in it before they go on to the temple to have darshan.

At present this river is under government control. As every temple faces the problem this too suffering. The authorities interested in collecting money and not developing the Teertha Kshetra. The result is visible through the river. Sorry to say Kumaradhara is dying! 😞

Environmental division’s NOCs are for sale; looks so when you see lodges after lodges getting constructed violating all the norms. The wastes from lodges, local houses and the temple too let out directly into the river😳 No one cares😢

The river when flows behind the temple is called Darpana Teertha. Teertha is Holy water but this has become gutter literally. People do all kind nonsense here😡 Probably this was the toughest cleaning job for @yuva_brigade volunteers!

It seems they cave constructed a Sewage Treatment Plant at the cost of 12 crores and its not working now. All the waste water enters the plant wait there for a day or two and just let into the river. Who is to be held responsible? @nitin_gadkari

Even the main snan ghat is ill maintained. No security to monitor. Only two dustbins. Allowing people to use soap for taking bath and washing their cloth. No one to stop people from leaving used cloths into river. We could collect at least 20 tractor load of waste from river

We did awareness campaign with the help of @snpkarnataka SodariNiveditaPratishthana whose volunteers reached every shops and lodges of the vicinity and requested them to maintain the sanctity of the holy river. Only few responded positively the rest were just passing the buck 😨

I heartily thank PDO of local panchayat who stood with us and gave every possible support. He and the president of Panchayat with few members felicitated the state convener of YuvaBrigade. A proud moment for all of us!👏👏

Dear @hd_kumaraswamy ji, this kshetra adds value and money to the tourism of Karnataka. Being God FEARING man you should take the initiative and step forward to restore KumaraDhara! 🙏
Punish mercilessly those who spoil the holy river.
@nalinkateel @AngaraSBJP

We heard that the authority is spending 200 crore for Golden Chariot. But remember without the river no temple exists. So please take an initiative and help us save the river, temple and the legacy..
We will definitely fight for this and request everyone to join us!

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