Trish Zornio Profile picture
Scientist | lecturer | writer & columnist @ColoradoSun ☀️ | avid mountaineer | Dem for U.S. Senate 2020. Legacy verified; refuse $8 ransom. S/H. Views my own

Apr 30, 2019, 14 tweets

As your next U.S. Senator... I would act boldly on climate change. As a scientist, I know the price of inaction.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I wouldn’t stop fighting until every person in America has comprehensive healthcare.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would act immediately on firearm safety.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would be a fierce advocate of public education and relief of student debt. (I teach, too!)

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would be bold on supporting worker’s right to unionize.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would work to reform immigration to provide better pathways to legal citizenship and ensure that never again are children put in cages. (My father below, he immigrated to the U.S. post WWII)

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would work to pave the path for young women, and ensure the success of future generations.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would work to ensure farmers have the tools they need to thrive in a modern economy.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would partner with local leaders to ensure all communities have the resources they need.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would lead by example and show up for communities experiencing hate and violence. We loudly denounce white nationalists and extremism, and would work to fight the real emergency in our nation.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would listen to citizens first and foremost. I cannot and will not be bought.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would be the first scientist on the U.S. Senate scientist committee, and I would advocate for facts, reason, and progress.

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As your next U.S. Senator... I would demand accountability on POTUS and those involved in undermining our constitution.

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As your next U.S. Senator... it would be my honor to be the first woman ever elected from Colorado.

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