Multnomah Co. Sheriff’s Office Profile picture
Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (Oregon) - Sheriff Michael Reese - Call/text 911 for emergencies. For non-emergency, call 503-823-3333. Not monitored 24/7.

May 6, 2019, 8 tweets

We are proud of our professional and dedicated Corrections Deputies.

It's #CorrectionalOfficersWeek and throughout the next several days we will be sharing just a few of the great folks in our Corrections Division.

Deputy Szarowski is in our Court Services Unit which ensures that our court house is kept safe!

Thank you Deputy!


Deputy Sherrill works hard at Inverness Jail to make sure that the adults in custody stay safe and secure.

Thank you Deputy!


Deputy Anderson supervises adults in custody in the Inverness Jail kitchen to make sure everyone stays safe and the meals get to their dorms on time.

Thank you Deputy!


Deputy Grevstad plays an important role in maintenance projects at Inverness Jail to make sure our safety and security equipment is in good shape.

Thank you Deputy!


Deputy Bartell interviews adults in custody when they arrive to the jail to determine which housing unit they will stay in, a function that is vital to the safety and security of the facilities.

Thank you Deputy!


Deputy Fung works hard to ensure that our jail facilities stay safe and secure!

Thank you Deputy!


Deputy Bradford works hard to ensure that when an adult in custody needs to be transported, they stay safe and secure.

Thank you Deputy!


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