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May 7, 2019, 22 tweets

Will try to post my text notes from #io19 here in thread ⬇️

Driving mode will be available for all devices with assistant. You can do everything (calls, text messages etc) with your voice, without leaving maps app. Super cool, if someone is calling you, you can say: "decline" 🤯

Google rolls out special features to manage your data and privacy:
- auto delete data after N
- incognito mode for Maps
- use your phone as Security Key
- personal AI models will store in the phone, not in the cloud #io19

Live caption for everything: podcast, videos etc. Right in your phone, without internet connection.
Also there will be special technology "Live Relay" for people with speech disabilities. It will answer phone calls and translate voice to text #io19

Project "Euphonia" g.co/euphonia

About devices:
- we should expect more foldable screens this year
- 5G everywhere

Dark mode 😍😍😍

Now security updates can be applied without phone reboot, on the fly #io19

Focus mode: select apps that distract you, and they will be disabled in this mode #io19

All Home products (like G Home mini etc) will rename to Nest. Also Google present new Nest Hub Max device. Better display and camera (with mechanical on/off switch)

New Google Pixel 3a - same productivity only for 399$
- white, black, purple-ish
- 3.5 audio jack 🤯🤯🤯
- free unlimited G Photos
- 30 hours of battery life
- Titan M security chip

News from Android: Android become Kotlin first. Many examples on kotl.in/everywhere

New jetpacks for Android:
- CameraX
- SavedState for ViewModel
- Jetpack Compose

In-app updates allow developers to update apps instantly, without Play store 🤯

HowTo Markup and HowTo Templates allow developers to show structured content in search and Assistant. Few lines of JSON and 💥 - structured content for users. Works with videos too.

- new improvements in V8 make it 2x faster (in comparison to year ago)
- add loading="lazy" to IMG tag and Chrome will lazy load it
- From now G Search uses latest Chrome. No dirty hacks for Indexing robots
- new security features such as secure 🍪

ML Kit new features:
- on device translation
- object detection and tracking
- Cloud AutoML can make predictions out of big data tables (databases, CSV etc)

Few news about TensorFlow:
- 2.0 version is in beta
- TF.js allow devs use ML powers in browser
- TF Lite can be used even on slow devices

Firebase Performance monitoring now available for web apps too, for free 😀

#Flutter for web is available now! 🤯🤯🤯

New in Chrome:
- fast V8
- paint holding - new flag available in Canary, which prevent white flashing for fast sites
- Portals
You can get more information from my notes from Chrome Dev Summit #io19

New API for recognition (faces, objects etc) perceptiontoolkit.dev #io19

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