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Oldest Foot-ball Trophy in the World & property of The HFBC since Shrovetide, 1867. Guinness World Record certified since Oct. 2000 - accept no imitations!

May 8, 2019, 14 tweets

A thread about huge Debts racked up by a small but persistent cadré of bad actors, each of whom are ex-FIFA & ex-PGMOL Officials.

Listed in this thread are just *some* of the Civic & Charitable bodies which are owed money.

The worst (of the worst) is to be found near the end.

Below are just three of the various Court Orders under Crown's Seal, within the overall matter.

These are for Cases :
398 of 2018, owed solely to @SheffieldUni
8692 of 2018, @YouAreTheRef/@TheRefOnline
Case 9266 of 2018 now carries on business as @SheffieldTrophy, renamed.

This thread exists not for sensational or gratuitous reasons, nor to gloat (although we very much did tell you so & more than once), but reasons for grave & deeply-held concerns at the large amounts of money owed & the fact that protagonists have largely carried on the same trade

These 3 ex-FIFA & ex-PGMOL Officials were the Directors who were variously in control of the Insolvent companies :

@HackettRef (Keith Hackett)
@Clattenburg1975 (@MarkClattenburg)
@SheffieldTrophy Owner Jock Waugh

@CompaniesHouse &c. for Case 8692 :


In a tweet that has aged like spent shitwater, part of @SheffieldUni crowed of a "Partnership" which still owes the bulk of a £250,000 accommodation contract for an event now renamed @SheffieldTrophy & owned by Mr Waugh.

Debt went back to Aug. 2017


Freebies failed to fund the £2,250 debt owed to @SheffCouncil per High Court papers in Case 9266 of 2018.

@VisitSheffield helped Jock make EVERYONE look stupid here.

Anyone paying c.£1,200 Council Tax per year?
Now we need FOUR of you, to make up the shortfall!

Didn't even pay for the medics they were forced to have!

Case 9266 of 2018 lists @TeamMed1c as being owed £410.

A small sum, but @SHCFA Safeguarding Officer imposed TWO Medi-firms after 2 concussions, a broken arm & a horrendous leg break in kids' tournaments run by this mob :

Joe Green were young #twitterblades lad.
That's not forgetting t'other lesser, normal injuries & those unreported.

The gang which've simply now rebranded as @SheffieldTrophy left medics (that @SHCFA IMPOSED to safeguard children) hanging for their money.


Couldn't get any worse, right?

Now re-branded as @SheffieldTrophy, its owner Jock-the-Lad managed to owe over £2,000 to @SpecialOlympics via @SOGreatBritain, per High Court papers in Case 9266 of 2018.

You are disgusting, Jock Waugh.
The Worst of the Worst


It gets WORSE yet.
Case 8692 lists @SPFCharity as owed £14,425

Absolutely disgusting beyond belief.

As @YouAreTheRef/@TheRefOnline,
@HackettRef @Clattenburg1975/@MarkClattenburg & Waugh happily benefitted from now *free* publicity of 'supporting' Charities.

Frankly (not much caring for what may be thought, for one speaking truthfully) it's an insult to @StevePrescott1 & the work of @SPFCharity.

@HackettRef @Clattenburg1975/@MarkClattenburg & @SheffieldTrophy owner Jock Waugh used both for publicit & left Charities (plural) hanging.

@JackPittBrooke @SportingIntel @CelebrityRefs
@Robert_Cumber @NickStathamBN @_shootfootball

The Press Release as circulated at the time by @YouAreTheRef (@TheRefOnline), now Case 8692 of 2018

Case 8692 (@YouAreTheRef/@TheRefOnline) :

1. was co-Owned & co-Directed by @HackettRef & @MarkClattenburg
2. disgracefully obtained free publicity at the LITERAL COST of Charities

also has a successor, @KeysToFootball, again co-Owned by @HackettRef.

Lessons, dogs, old tricks

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