Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

May 13, 2019, 16 tweets

BREAKING: I’m hearing an unconfirmed report that a raid on the Venezuelan Embassy is imminent. Not sure if true or how source knows, but my eta is 15 minutes.

I just live-streamed for four hours straight, which you can watch below.

Three folks left, one of which was @RealAlexRubi, who I spoke to.

After that, cops made a forced entry into front door, but failed to negotiate anyone out, and left empty handed.…

I’m on my way home to look through my HD video, but here’s the statement that @answercoalition / @codepink / @PopResistance “The Embassy Protection Collective” put out about tonight from their perspective.

Multiple sources have said four occupants remain. This photo - published by @medeabenjamin - appears to show those four people as of tonight.

Going through my HD footage now. Firstly, here's what happened every few minutes: Police would use an ultra-loud, deafening siren before and after speaking over an amplifier, declaring the United States doesn't recognize "the former Maduro regime" and threatening arrest.

I saw @RealAlexRubi as he was leaving the embassy.

@aletweetsnews and I asked him a couple questions about what was going on inside, but here's him explaining the conditions and lead-up to three people departing.

@KBZeese, @DrMFlowers and two others are still inside.

One of the activists still inside, @PopResistance's @DrMFlowers, used signs to share a variety of messages, all directed at police.

"You are being given an illegal order."

"U.S. is violating Vienna Convention."

"No embassy is safe if you break in."

As the police activity was ongoing, one sign on the @askavenezuelan side said that "Orange is the new pink" implying that @codepink will find itself in prison.

The @askavenezuelan side was definitely excited when government officials with power tools showed up. It'd be more than an hour later before they'd be put to use, but this was the first hard proof of an anticipated forced entry.

Sure enough, just after sunset, police cut through the lock that the activists put on.

They then spent a lot of time pointing flashlights in, apparently hesitating to actually enter.

It wasn't until a while later that police - specifically State Department's Diplomatic Security Services - entered the building, slowly.

Embassy Protection Collective's legal counsel Mara Verheyden-Hilliard was at their side.

What happened next was strange. Police apparently felt comfortable enough to force their way into the building, but not to arrest.

Officers spoke to one of the activists inside - along with legal counsel Mara Verheyden-Hilliard - and then left and closed the doors empty handed.

After the police stood down, @KBZeese and @DrMFlowers celebrated the victory, opening the windows and holding signs that say "the coup failed" and "your love feeds us" directed at their @codepink & @answercoalition friends outside.

"Tick tock tick tock" chanted their opposition.

"They're gonna try to break in tomorrow but we'll still resist" a defiant @KBZeese yelled down to the crowd.

He urged @codepink and @answercoalition folks to keep holding space outside and keep the pressure on.

He then offered a "goodnight" and closed the window.

Here's my raw @N2Sreports vid highlights from tonight's failed police attempt to clear the embassy. As it stands now, it seems that the four remaining activists are totally resolved to not leave without being forced to.

All footage available for license.

I'd add that @aletweetsnews and I work tirelessly to bring you this content, and we often don't have anyone buy it, not to mention Youtube demonetizing it.

We'd love your support on Patreon! With that, I bid you all goodnight.

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