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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license
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Sep 11 12 tweets 5 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Tonight, police and protesters clashed outside the presidential debate in Philly.

I want to detail how that happened.

All was at peace until one person lit a flare, waving it around for the cameras.

Police pushed in in force, arresting him and angering the crowd. 2) A handful of frustrated protesters linked arms and pushed into a line of bike cops, mimicking them by shouting "move!"

"CPD, KKK, IOF you're all the same!" they chanted as a shoving match ensued.

Additional police arrived in riot gear and the scuffle spread and intensified.
Sep 8 6 tweets 3 min read
VIDEO THREAD: "Queers love Palestine! HRC loves the war machine!"

Protesters rallied against the Human Rights Campaign dinner tonight featuring Tim Walz in DC to condemn their relationship with weapons manufacturers, which they say enable genocide.

"We're not interupting!" they chanted. "Pink washing is disgusting!" 2) Protesters put red paint on their hands to symbolize what they say is the Human Rights Campaign's support for the killing of Palestinians.

"HRC is using our name to pinkwash an administration committing genocide, burning children under rubble but those children are not human enough for the Human Rights campaign, shame!"
Jul 24 9 tweets 4 min read
This is my 4K footage of how the violence outside the United States Capitol began today.

You can see the first mace deployed (over the heads of officers, toward the activists) which angers the pro-Palestine crowd, who begins throwing water bottles as officers continue using mace.

A little over a minute into the clip is a flash grenade, one of only a couple I saw used today.

My understanding is this occurred after Netanyahu arrived but before he spoke to Congress. 2) As police engaged the crowd, a man scolded police and was maced as well.

The crowd continued marching, taking a wider route around the Capitol and avoiding most confrontations during the march itself.
Jul 24 7 tweets 3 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Protesters gathered Tuesday night in front of the Watergate Hotel (the second night in a row) for a noise demonstration against Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who is staying inside.

"From DC to Palestine, Netanyahu's out of time!" chanted protesters using red and green smoke bombs. "Shut, shut, shut it down, no Zionism in this town!" 2) "Allahu Akbar! Hamas!" yelled one man through the fencer outside the Watergate at Israel supporters counter-protesting them from inside.

"Jewish motherf***ers!" he yelled. "We're gonna kill all of you!"

"We're gonna burn you!"

It should be noted that it was one lone individual, not the wider protest, using this specific rhetoric.
Jun 29 4 tweets 2 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Police clashed with pro-Palestine protesters Friday night in New York City as President Biden visited Stonewall for an "LGBTQ+ Gala" and protesters demanded "No war criminals at pride!"

All video in thread by @olgafe_images for @N2Sreports 2) NYPD's Strategic Response Group forcefully pushed back pro-Palestine activists and made several arrests throughout the evening both attempting to keep protesters away from the event featuring President Biden and off of the streets.
Jun 12 10 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: The FBI, relying on the work of a paid Confidential Human Source "CHS" who surveilles from his own vendor booth at gun shows, and an additional undercover agent, have arrested Mark Adams Prieto, who they charge with trafficking firearms and say planned a mass shooting.

2) The feds say Prieto came to their attention in October 2023, when a paid CHS who had talked to Prieto 15 times in the past, "began making suspicious and alarming comments, including advocating for a mass shooting, and specifically targeting “blacks, Jews, or Muslims.” Image
May 26 25 tweets 11 min read
BIG VIDEO THREAD: Former President Trump received mostly boos from the Libertarians (a small VIP section plus 4 front rows) and cheers of support tonight from his supporters (who got most of the other seats) as he spoke in front of the Libertarian National Convention, who on Sunday will be nominating their own candidate for president.

Trump spoke in front of the "Become Ungovernable" logo featuring the anarchist circle-A.

The speech was unprecedented where for a major party candidate speaking at a rival political party's nominating convention. 2) As the Libertarians (closest few rows to the president) largely booed Trump and the MAGA (about 3/4 of the room, closest to the press riser) cheered him, some Libertarians stood with their backs to the former president during the speech.
May 24 8 tweets 3 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Anti-Trump protesters assembled tonight in opposition to former President Trump's rally in the Bronx.

A brief scuffle broke out over Trump supporters' Israeli flag, which led police - some in riot gear - to separate the two sides as some protesters fled. 2) NYPD officers (some marked "Counterterrorism Bureau") faced protesters chanting "Trump supports Diddy!"

"No justice, no peace!"

"Go home! Go home!" Trump supporters chanted from across the police line.
May 10 10 tweets 4 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Barely a day after their encampment was raided, pro-Palestine activists set up another encampment in front of a George Washington University administrators' building.

In this uncut shot, you'll see the activists set up several new tents by surprise in minutes. 2) Pro-Palestine protesters at George Washington University linked arms after forming their new encampment.

Police formed a line facing them on one side (leaving the other side open) and pushed media and others with a vantage point significantly back.
May 8 7 tweets 3 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Police cleared the pro-Palestine encampment at George Washington University early this morning in a pre-dawn raid, arresting dozens and apparently deploying pepper spray.

"F--- the pigs!" yelled activists as police swarmed a wide perimeter around the area. 2) Police and DC Department of Public Works could be seen dumping tents and other camping equipment where the encampment had been at GW.

This comes just hours before Mayor Bowser is set to testify before Congress.
Apr 15 39 tweets 17 min read
THREAD: I was one of only two media I'm aware of in the courtroom today for a lengthy hearing where the federal government fought to hold Russell "Duke" Vane IV pre-trial.

This thread will be based on my notes and court documents.

No cameras, phones, etc were allowed inside. 2) U.S. Marshals brought Vane into Room 400 of the Eastern District of Virginia Courthouse in a green jumpsuit before Judge William B Porter.

FBI Special Agent Marc Gastaldo, who wrote the criminal affidavit, testified to "multiple positive tests for Ricin" in the past 3 days. Image
Apr 12 19 tweets 14 min read
BREAKING THREAD: On April 11, Russell Vane IV - the subject of my reporting who allegedly attempted to provoke a Virginia militia group into producing explosives - was arrested.

He is charged with "Attempted production of a biological agent or toxin."

Image 2) According to the criminal complaint, the FBI received multiple tips after I published the story about Vane - who went by Duke - on April 1.

He apparently tried to legally change his name on April 3, the same day a false obituary of him appeared.

Apr 1 54 tweets 27 min read
INVESTIGATIVE VIDEO THREAD: The Virginia Kekoas, a pro-gun prepper militia based in Eastern Virginia and formerly affiliated with the Boogaloo movement, tells News2Share that they recently kicked out a member they believe may have been plotting an explosives-related entrapment attempt against the group, or worse.

Russell Richardson Vane IV first made contact with the Virginia Kekoas in April 2022, according to the group's leader Eddie Ray, who goes by "ICE" and member Cody Beckner, who goes by "Sasquatch." Vane allegedly adopted the call sign "Duke."

The pair provided extensive screenshots and documents showing that since joining, Vane - as "Duke" - engaged in an escalating sequence of unusual behavior that included apparent provocations for the group to develop homemade explosives. Homemade explosives lacking an ATF registration are generally a federal felony.

"Sasquatch" and "ICE" spoke exclusively to News2Share to provide a thorough timeline of the events that led up to "Duke" being removed from their organization.

2) ICE and Sasquatch say that upon reaching out to the Kekoas in 2022, Duke identified himself as working for the CIA, but was allowed to remain a prospective member rather than being ejected because they believed he may have advanced knowledge of world-altering events.
Mar 23 16 tweets 6 min read
Here at Lancaster Public Library in Pennsylvania, both supporters and protesters had permits and planned to gather over a Drag Story Time.

The event, slated to start at 1pm, has now been cancelled after a “suspicious package” was reportedly found.
Feb 27 6 tweets 3 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Bodycamera footage has been released showing a Chicago Police Officer last month blindly firing his gun toward a child who had been playing with fireworks, missing every shot.

The shooter was one of three cops responding to a faulty "ShotSpotter" alert of gunfire. 2) A Ring camera shows the child playing with a ball and fireworks.

About 15 seconds in, the fireworks ignite, followed immediately by police gunfire.

"No, it's just fireworks!" the child says about 28 seconds in.
Feb 27 10 tweets 4 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Pro-Palestine activists burned an Israeli Flag outside the Israeli Embassy tonight while playing the audio of U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation here from just one day ago.

"This is in solidarity with Aaron, who burned his body. At the very least, we can burn the Zionist flag," one said.

"If we burn, you burn with us!" the group chanted.

"Quit your jobs!" they chanted at police guarding the building. 2) "You killed that man!" an activist yelled at Secret Service guarding the Israeli Embassy. "You pulled your guns out instead of a fire extinguisher!"

Ashes from U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation remained on the sidewalk beside the officers' feet.
Feb 20 8 tweets 4 min read
VIDEO THREAD: As Julian Assange's defense team argues against his extradition from London to the United States, protesters outside the Department of Justice demanded "Free Julian Assange!" this afternoon in DC. "No extradition!"

@codepink's @medeabenjamin said "Julian Assange, the one who wanted the world community to know about the war crimes that were being committed. Julian Assange, who understood how powerful truth can be. And yet here he is, languishing in prison. Here he is, potentially, very soon to be extradited to the United States."

"We know he has done nothing wrong. On the contrary, if anything, he should be awarded for having told the truth." 2) Esther Iverem @SeeingBlack also spoke at the @AssangeActionDC rally outside DOJ, tying the prosecution of Assange to the current conflict in Gaza.

"We know that Wikileaks told us more than a decade ago about Israel's intentional genocide of the Palestinian people."
Feb 13 7 tweets 3 min read
New bodycam footage shows Okaloosa County, FL Deputy Jesse Hernandez declaring "shots fired!" and "I'm hit!" and shooting at the handcuffed, unarmed suspect inside of his police car.

He had not been shot, rather, it was determined that he heard an acorn drop onto the car. Sgt Beth Roberts responded quickly to Deputy Hernandez erroneously calling "shots fired" in response to an acorn dropping from a tree.

"Where? Right there?" Roberts asked before also firing at the handcuffed, unarmed man in their car.

Luckily, both cops missed every shot.
Jan 19 13 tweets 6 min read
VIDEO THREAD: White nationalist group Patriot Front showed up at the annual March for Life in Washington DC today.

They handed out flyers while standing at the back of the rally.

"There are a lot of people here who like us," their leader Thomas Rousseau told media.

Rousseau said he's here for "the American people, the American ethnicity which has descended from the European race who conquered and settled this land."

"Our decline in the form of government has been exactly correlated with the decline of the interest of the American people in government itself." 2) I asked Thomas Rousseau how he responds to conservatives who believe Patriot Front is a federal op.

"Liberals want us to be real, and we are," he explains, while "conservatives want to say that we're fake because its convenient so they don't get the guilt by association."
Jan 15 8 tweets 4 min read
VIDEO THREAD: Armed members of the Virginia Kekoas militia marched this morning to the State Capitol in Richmond to protest new gun control bills such as magazine limits and banning guns at bars.

The group carried guns into the "gun-free zone" surrounding the building. 2) Police informed the militiamen that they were not allowed to carry firearms in the area in front of the Capitol anymore.

Officers did allow them to pose for some photos in front of the building before departing, which the group complied with.
Jan 14 5 tweets 2 min read
VIDEO THREAD: A coalition of armed Black groups, some on horseback, marched through Atlanta today, demanding #JusticeForBlackFarmers, particularly Derrick Williamson, a Morgan County farmer kicked off his own land two years ago by what he has called "millionaire squatters" 2) Speaking at Centennial Olympic Park in Georgia flanked by armed members of the Fred Hampton Gun Club, Derrick Williamson described how some of his animals died when his farm was taken by a "corrupt system."

He says he was wrongly convicted of "stalking" the judge.