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“Twitter user Moss Robeson positions himself as an independent researcher of Ukrainian fascism & Nazism … Who is behind this account is not known for certain.”

May 17, 2019, 15 tweets

Introducing the Ukrainian Youth Association of America (CYM-A), an old crypto-fascist cult under the heavy influence of the "Bandera movement" since 1946. The OUN-B & its partisan army, the UPA, collaborated with the Nazis during WW2 & the Holocaust —"heroes" according to CYM-A.

I just realized the principal CYM-A camp is in Ellenville, NY, the same Ulster county I live in. CYM-A [aka SUMA]'s Ellenville camp ("Oselia") pictured below: the year it opened (1955), on the 25th anniversary of the UPA leader's death (1975), and its "Heroes Monument" today.

Drone footage of the Ellenville CYM-A camp & its "Heroes Monument" from June 30, 2017, the anniversary of the OUN-B's 1941 attempt to create a Nazi puppet state in Ukraine. Yaroslav Stetsko, Bandera's war criminal deputy & successor behind the '41 declaration, spoke here in 1975.

Here is another, newer CYM-A camp ("Beskyd") which can be found in Baraboo, Wisconsin, featuring its fascist "Heroes Monument," including a bust of the wanna-be Hitler of Ukraine, Stepan Bandera.

Photos from last summer at the CYM-A camp in Baraboo, Wisconsin, where Ukrainian-American children & teens act out nationalistic protests and drills, among other things. The fascist OUN-UPA slogan "Heroyam slava" ("Glory to the Heroes") and flag (red and black) can be seen below:

Another CYM-A camp ("Cholodni Yar"), located in upstate New York, near the Canadian border. They make a lot of big fires. These photos are also from last summer. The last one is the camp's current Facebook profile picture.

Even arts and crafts is sort of fashy when you go to the "C-Y-M-A!"

Turns out the Baraboo camp was established in 1961. Perhaps CYM has left its mark on the small city of 12,000?

More images from the crypto-fascist Ukrainian Youth Association camp in Baraboo, Wisconsin that reflect SUM/CYM's reverence for the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which prioritized the mass murder & ethnic cleansing of Poles & Jews in western Ukraine > fighting Nazis & Soviets.

Ukrainian American youth marching around the CYM camp in Baraboo, Wisconsin (2012), where the memory and legacy of western Ukraine's Nazi collaborators has been celebrated for decades.

CYM is really big on singing around huge fires. In the first picture, one can see the letters of the UPA—is this not a fashy tradition?

Today I went to the CYM/SUM camp in Ellenville, New York, to see their “Heroes Monument.” Left to right, OUN founder Yevhen Konovalets, WW1-era UNR leader Symon Petliura, WW2-era UPA commander Roman Shukhevych, and OUN-B “Providnyk” Stepan Bandera — 3/4 were Nazi collaborators.

Some more pictures I took at the CYM/SUM camp in Ellenville, NY today: in the first photo, busts of the OUN-B’s Roman Shukhevych (L) and Stepan Bandera (R), and next: WW1-era figures Yevhen Konovalets (L) and Symon Petliura (R). Last pic is of the view from the “Heroes Monument.”

Construction of the Ukrainian American Youth Association's "Heroes Monument" in Ellenville, New York (1962). According to Stepan Bandera's biographer Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, a construction company owned by two members of the US Society of UPA Vets built the monument for free.

Thread about the “Heroes’ Holiday,” an annual event at the CYM/SUM-A summer camp in Ellenville, NY—not a Ukrainian Nazi “cult” per se, but an OUN-B affiliated militant nat’l youth group with deep-seated cult-worship of western Ukraine’s Nazi collaborators.

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