Glenna Milberg Profile picture
TV Journalist in the best news town on the planet🌎 Host of "This Week in South Florida" Sundays 11:30. AM=Coffee, PM=Red Wine🍷& game for anything in between

May 20, 2019, 6 tweets

🙋🏻‍♀️ from Wynwood Walls - assuring Pete Buttigieg ‘s first Florida campaign stop today is a cool & colorful one.
This is billed as a “grassroots” fundraiser .. later tonight is the chi-chingier fundraiser on Miami Beach.
Stay tuned!
WPLG Local 10 #CampaignTrail

The Pete Buttigieg Miami event hasn’t even started yet and I already have a fave photo of the day ....

That’s Sean Shaw, former candidate for Florida Atty Gen, who endorsed Buttigieg just a few minutes ago, having just met him..
Shaw said ”I like the way he made me feel on tv”...

“Mayor Pete” takes the stage, & in the first few minutes, fit in lines about morales & values, restoring voting rights, women’s rights, welcoming immigrants, defending cyber security & against rising white nationalism, religious freedom, sea level rise, gun reform...

Say ma’ name, say ma’ name....
Mayor Pete Buttigieg #Miami #CampaignTrail @WPLGLocal10

“Pete Buttigieg is working hard to be the IT guy in a field of 23 Democrats running for President” ...
Our wrap from his first fundraising visit to big, electoral-rich & swingy state Florida⏩
@WPLGLocal10 #campaigntrail

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