Chakravarty Sulibele Profile picture
Columnist| writer| YuvaBrigade| Natural Farmer| NamoBrigade| TeamModi| Nationalist ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ| Ramakrishna Bhakt and Svami Ranganathanand ji Shishya

Jun 9, 2019, 6 tweets

Nowadays celebrations plays major role than work itself😢 But @yuva_brigade is a different organisation. It celebrated its fifth year with different kind of activities ranging from rejuvenating step well to painting Govt school!
One team went to village #Doddane climbing 7+ km

Started cleaning the village well drinking water of which was impossible. Took out the water first and then the silt. It took almost half day! Now the water is crystal clear. We have meshed it so that no one can put waste in wells anymore

If we can save every drop of rain water here then this village would definitely will not have water problems @yuva_brigade volunteers started cleaning a step well to make it ready for this rainy season! The work went for two days!

Another team of volunteers stood tough and kept painting the school for two days! Now the school is looking like a bridegroom with makeup😜
In coming weeks some artists will go and do some educational paintings on the walls!

Today we had a medical camp. U will not believe if I say that this village is seeing doctor after 8 years! Dr Praveen of Kollegala and Dr Shilpa from Bengaluru travelled all the way to reach the village and treated 150+ patients. They have identified some critically ill patients

That was not all. Volunteers themselves prepared food for more than 50 others. Spent the whole night on school veranda.
Remember one thing.
Only selfless people can build the nation.
@yuva_brigade @narendramodi

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