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Lebanese-American war survivor | Political Independent | Presidential campaign adviser | Chart-topping producer/remixer | Jesus follower | Husband to @LeelaDaou

Jun 13, 2019, 12 tweets


I wrote a piece taking apart the specious arguments against #impeachment

You know, things like "the Senate won't convict..." "It's too divisive..." "Trump is goading Dems..." and so on.…

SPIN: The Senate won’t convict so there’s no point impeaching in the House.

FACT: It doesn't matter what the Senate does. The Constitution demands impeachment.

SPIN: Democrats need to gather more evidence to make an airtight case for impeachment.

FACT: We don't need more evidence.

SPIN: Democrats are already winning in the courts by compelling Trump to produce documents.

FACT: Trump loves court battles. It's how he delays, obfuscates, and gets away with his abuses.

SPIN: Impeachment interferes with ongoing investigations.

FACT: No it doesn't.

SPIN: Trump is “goading” Democrats and “self-impeaching.”

FACT: That's absurd. Nobody wants to be impeached, especially Trump.

SPIN: Speaker Pelosi and her colleagues have a “secret plan” and are playing the “long game.”

FACT: If Dem leaders really had a long game, how on earth is the far right running our country into the ground?

SPIN: Impeaching Trump will rile up his base and enable him to play the victim.

FACT: Trump plays the victim no matter what Dems do.

SPIN: Impeachment is a distraction from the Democratic agenda.

FACT: Defending the rule of law and holding a president to account for abuse of power is an essential part of the Democratic agenda.

SPIN: The public is against impeachment.

FACT: As long as Dem leaders block #impeachment, how do they expect public opinion to change?

SPIN: Impeachment is too divisive.

FACT: The Republican Party does division for a living.

CONCLUSION: #Impeachment is not a magic solution to the GOP’s embrace of right-wing extremism. Nor is it likely to remove Trump from office. But it is a crucial statement to present and future generations that America is a democracy not an autocracy.

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