Meenakshi Sharan Profile picture
Founder:AyodhyaFoundation Writer @Firstpost @News18India

Jun 30, 2019, 13 tweets

The Islamic invasion of Bharatvarsha started in 638, is the 1381 year old unfinished agenda of gazwa e Hind still at work in Kashmir, Kerela, Bengal, Haridwar, #Merut ..??

Whose Kashmir is it,
the Hindus who ruled it from 3238 BCE, 20 years before Mahabharat
a total of about 4787 years,
the Islamists who treacherously captured, it in the 13 th century & existed for just 470 yrs tyrannizing & butchering Hindus ??

Take a look at the pattern of izlameek jihad, its onslaught on almost all civilizations begining from the very day of its birth till today.👇🏻
do you still wish to call it a peaceful religion & carry on sucking Ganga Jamni, Kashmiriyat lollypop? 👇🏻

Children of the same Brahma, all Saraswat Brahmins worship Panchyatan & their guru is Saraswat Muni, the son of Rishi Dadhichi.
Their settlement was: “Land created by Gods, between Saraswati & Drishadwati, Rishis called it Brahmavtara” - Manusmriti 2.17
@i4Kashmir #India4Kashmir

When #Saraswati began to dry out Saraswats over centuries,following river routes migrated to South-West (Sindh,Sindhu civilization came into being), to North (Kashmir), to East (Bihar).
Migrations to south & west went up to Dwaraka, further to Goa,Konkan, Karnataka,Kerala region.

Their stay/ settlements in Dwaraka are referred to as Saraswat Tirthas in Mahabharata.
2nd route was from Punjab into Kashmir.
Who moved South East followed #Ganga & reached Trihotrapura in upper Bihar in 400-350 BC, thier major settlements-Kanyakubja/Kanpur,Magadha and Mithila.

Those who migrated to Kashmir called themselves as Kashmiri Pandits, Sindh as Sindhi Saraswats, Kutch-Kutchi Saraswats,
Punjab-Punjabi Saraswats, Rajasthan-Rajasthani Saraswats, Gomantak- Gowda Saraswats.
Gowdas lived to the north of Vindhyas, Dravidas to south of Vindhyas.


Each- further divided into 5,
Gowda Brahman: Saraswats, Kanyakubjas, Gaudas, Utkals, Maithilas.
Dravida Brahman: Andhras, Maharashtras, Dravidas, Karnataka, Kerala Brahmans.

How deeply are we connected?
When Lalitaditya Muktapida took over Kerela,Goa,Konkan,he gave 64 Nambudiri Brahmin families he’d brought with him from #Kashmir ,to construct a temple on the lines of Martand, at Mahodayapura,capital of Chera Nad,later named as Trichendur @i4Kashmir

“Satues of those 64 royal gatekeepers can be seen to this date in the Subraha mani Swami ( Mahodaya) temple at Trichendur.”

“The Perumals, Kalasekhar Varma, 8th - 11th century were sent from Kashmir.”
-P.V.Mathew links them to Kashmir’s king Avantivarma.

32 of those 64 were Shaivites, devotees of Sun God,settled in the north of Alwaye River in Ernakulam
32 were Manichaeans,worshipped Moon,settled in the south of river,Mahodaya puramwas their capital
Some Nairs, masons & sculptors came from #Kashmir to build the temple.

Nairs of Kerela are of Kashmiri origin
Dogras employed Nambudiri Brahmins from Kerela
Shankaracharya in #Kashmir expounded Shaivisim to counter Manichaeism(founded in Persia in 3rd cent by Mani)
& formed Shastra-Shastra ki fauj- order of Naga Sadhus to fight invading Muslims.

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