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Pronouns: I / Me. You are welcome to refer to me in a negative way but you must adhere to these while doing so

Jul 6, 2019, 19 tweets

After the hearing a member of the public sees Jessica Yaniv getting on a train in a mobility scooter and takes pictures. When the doors close, JY immediately gets up. After the photos are posted online, JY racially abuses the photographer and says JY carries an illegal weapon

Jessica Yaniv has now made this extraordinary audio saying saying they've visited a gynaecologist who has revealed they don't have cervical cancer as previously claimed, presumably due to lack of cervix, uterus or vagina. Post no. 8005…

Jessica Yaniv has received another highly legitimate death threat and has said someone tried to kill them

Incredibly, Jessica Yaniv's municipality was going to run an event featuring naked children in which parents and care givers were not permitted to attend. It's been cancelled but JY is furious, citing more anti LGBT bigotry

Langley's 'no care givers / parents allowed swim for LGBT kids' might have been cancelled, much to the dismay of Jessica Yaniv, but organisers, who have confirmed they couldn't guarantee children's safety, are determined to run it again, as they're ignoring why people objected

Trans activist Jessica Yaniv will be making another presentation at Langley Council this month. This time calling for their right to get changed with and then swim with LGBT 12 year olds

Jessica Yaniv has again been rushed to hospital after calling another ambulance. And their dog is dying. However, neither event stopped them from bravely deciding to review a dildo or issuing a threat against someone

A (female obviously) Canadian free speech advocate has been permanently suspended on Twitter for misgendering Jessica Yaniv, even though JY has not been punished for making obscene comments about her vagina…

Following the Lyndsey Shepherd suspension and the lifting of a publication ban on a current hearing involving Jessica Yaniv, some Canadian media are now reporting on this person. Jessica Yaniv is calling this transphobic…

In the aftermath of Aimee Challenor's father being jailed for child rape, AC said in a radio interview: 'no one can say I'm living a boring life'. This is Jessica Yaniv's reaction to a story about JY being a sexual predator. Why is society pandering to these psychopaths?

As a number of lib fems are defending Jessica Yaniv in light of their new fame, they might be interested to know that at least two girls have made allegations about JY being a sexual predator towards children. This is the first

This is at least the second girl to have now publicly made allegations about Jessica Yaniv being a predatory paedophile

Why did Jessica Yaniv, famous for taking pictures in girls' toilets and for wearing Google glasses while talking to girls, take a naked selfie with a camera drone?

One of Jessica Yaniv's neighbours (WGkitty) has written on Kiwi Farms that last night JY called the police to have JY's mother removed from his home. She was publicly searched and the police could be heard saying that JY is a liar…

Jessica Yaniv has also created several sock accounts and is using them to to discredit the now at least four women who have come forward to say he behaved in a sexually inappropriate way towards them when they were children

Jessica Yaniv does at least have two supporters: Rachel McKinnon and Lily Madigan

One of Jessica Yaniv's sock accounts has just admitted that Jessica Yaniv is a paedophile

Despite now being one of the world's most famous paedophiles, Pink News pin-up girl Jessica Yaniv has been allowed into a family swimming pool with their phone, where they videoed children

It looks like Jessica Yaniv has doxxed Blaire White

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