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Pronouns: I / Me. You are welcome to refer to me in a negative way but you must adhere to these while doing so
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Aug 7, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Last year Teresa had life-saving surgery cancelled at the last minute, and was accused by UK hospital Princess Grace of discrimination, for requesting post-op same-sex intimate care after a 'trans nurse' entered her examination room uninvited UPDATE 1/6
Following a public outcry, the hospital's CEO apologised and admitted that Teresa’s privacy and dignity had been breached when the man entered her room (but denied he knew she was 'gender critical'), and the surgery was rescheduled for a few days later 2/6
Jan 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Here's a thread of just some of the statements Liberal Democrat politicians have made recently when asked about women's rights and spaces against the backdrop of an increasing number of men who say they identify as women. First up, Sir Ed Davey MP Image Layla Moran MP Image
Jan 1, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Marjorie Roome is an extraordinary but real example of what happens to women's sport when men are allowed to compete in women's categories.
Marjorie is a man who says he 'identifies' as a woman. He took up indoor rowing and has been allowed to compete in women's championships 1/4 In 2017 he broke the women's British time record for the 65-69 age category, and in 2018 won the women's World Indoor Rowing Championships for that category, destroying the competition and posting faster times than any woman in her 30s achieved. 2/4
Nov 28, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
The UK police have recruited several men who 'identify' as women to work as officers or advisers in the last three or four years. Here's a thread on how that's working out so far PC Watson allegedly targeted people on social media over a period of several months due to their belief that men aren't women, sending thousands of tweets containing defamatory lies. Leicestershire Police initially refused to stop him. He's now been arrested and suspended Image
Oct 31, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
The following thread is entirely written by Teresa, the woman who found her life-saving operation at Princess Grace Hospital had been cancelled because she requested single-sex nursing care. She asked for it to be posted this afternoon, and it contains excellent news: 1/16 I’m sending this message which I hope will travel far and wide through Nutmeg to offer my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has given me support since Princess Grace Hospital cancelled my surgery, saying “We do not share your beliefs” 2/16
Oct 19, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
In one of the most shocking stories you could read, a London hospital has cancelled a woman's life-saving operation at the last minute because it doesn't 'share her values'. That 'value' she had was that she wanted the aftercare nurses to be female 1/12 Former solicitor Teresa - @XXFemaleOnly
- needs urgent, rare and highly complex, colorectal surgery. She selected the private Princess Grace Hospital, which specialises in women's healthcare, for it specifically because she didn't want to be in a mixed-sex facility 2/12
Oct 7, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
After the revelation that 'transgender children's' charity Mermaids appointed a man who has admitted to being sexually attracted to children as its trustee, here's a thread on just a few other people Mermaids has employed or worked with recently In 2019 Mermaids employed Jake Edwards to a communications role. Jake's online work prior to that heavily involved talking about fetishes, kink and the different sized objects Jake had inserted into his anus

Sep 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
An investigation by The Telegraph has found that taxpayer funded 'trans children's' charity Mermaids has been discreetly sending 'potentially harmful' breast binders to 13 and 14 year old girls when they know their parents have said they cannot have them… An adult posed as a child and told Mermaids that her parents would not allow her to use a chest compression device, so the charity sent the binder for free to a different address that the girl had access to behind her parents' back (2/6)
Sep 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The transgenser activist in the dungarees who shouts 'fucking fascist' in the face of a baby is Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle's policy advisor Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle's policy advisor, having just sworn and shouted at a baby, then tweeted that women were throwing smoke bombs at themselves at the #LetWomenSpeak event in Brighton. She is also a journalist
Aug 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Chris Bryant Image Bell Ribeiro-Addy Image
Aug 7, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
Despite being male and 28, Riya Isha is allowed to compete in the women's under 26's All-India Inter University Athletics Championship.

Riya wins three events: the 3-km walk, the long jump and the hammer throw… 2022: 'Anamika' wins an Indian High Court ruling to compete against women in judo on the basis that there isn't a third category for people who say they're transgender. Within days Anamika wins a women's 78 kilogram judo competition…
Jul 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Conservative MP Jamie Wallis was allegedly wearing high heels and a black leather PVC mini-skirt when he fled the scene of a car crash last year. When an officer arrested him the next morning, he was still wearing makeup and red lipstick, a court has heard… Jamie Wallis told the court he fled the scene because he 'feared being raped', as the married father claims he'd been raped a few days earlier by a man he met on a hook up site. He admitted he has never reported this to the police…
Jul 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Here are statements from all the likely Conservative Party leadership contenders on gender identity and how it impacts on society, made before they announced their intentions to run, which hopefully accurately sums up their approach to the issue. First up, Rishi Sunak Liz Truss
May 19, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Pre 2020: Sasha Jane Lowerson is an Australian longboard men's competitor
2020: Lowerson 'transitions', aged 42
2022: Lowerson wins the women's Western Australia longboard title, en route by beating competitors by almost three times their scores… 'Maxine Yates, a trans mountain bike racer, won the women’s 19+ category in the National Series event in Scotland, and is ranked first in the female category. This is despite British Cycling ending the 'males can race in the female category' policy'…
May 3, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Pre 2019: Jamie Hunter played for 5 years in the men's Widnes Amateur snooker league
2020: Hunter 'transitions'
2021: Hunter qualifies for the Women's World Snooker Tour and makes it to the semi final of the English Women's Open… Pre 2020: Sasha Jane Lowerson is an Australian longboard men's competitor
2020: Lowerson 'transitions', aged 42
2022: Lowerson wins the women's Western Australia longboard title, en route by beating competitors by almost three times their scores…
Apr 3, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Pre 2018: Blair Hamilton (who like Lia Thomas and Emily Bridges is at least 6 foot tall) plays for Aberdeen University's men's football team
2018: Hamilton 'transitions'
2022: Hamilton is selected to play for the England Universities' women's team Pre 2019: Jamie Hunter played for 5 years in the men's Widnes Amateur snooker league
2020: Hunter 'transitions'
2021: Hunter qualifies for the Women's World Snooker Tour and makes it to the semi final of the English Women's Open…
Mar 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A Tory MP reveals that he has 'gender dysphoria' (and that there might be some uncompromising photographs of him and that he's recently been arrested for crashing his car and fleeing the scene) 'Britain's first transgender MP' ran a 'sugar daddy' website that promised to introduce 'boys and girls' with financial problems to wealthy men, and then lied about his involvement with it…
Mar 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Here's a thread on some of the most influential people whose ideas led to the belief that boys are girls if they say they are. See if you can spot anything that links them.
First up Michel Foucault, a founding father of postmodernism. And a child rapist… Child psychologist John Money invented the term 'gender identity' and carried out sex reassignment surgery on a baby (who later committed suicide). Money used to force children to rehearse sexual acts in front of him, which he would photograph…
Dec 11, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
2018-19: Lia Thomas twice fails to make the first team in the men's swimming Ivy League
2019: Thomas 'transitions'
2021: Thomas qualifies for the women's Ivy League first team, and wins all three out of Thomas' first three events, setting three new records… Pre 2018: Blair Hamilton (who like Lia Thomas and Emily Bridges is at least 6 foot tall) plays for Aberdeen University's men's football team
2018: Hamilton 'transitions'
2022: Hamilton is selected to play for the England Universities' women's team
Nov 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
It has emerged that Girlguiding, the biggest girls' organisation in the UK, recently appointed a male who identifies as a woman, and has a long history of posting inappropriate sexual and violent imagery on social media, as a new leader in Nottinghamshire… As well as being a new Girlguiding commissioner, Monica Tetley has signed a letter in support of Aimee Challenor, posted pictures wearing girls' uniforms and brandishing a sword, and has a profile picture of Monica in the bath (the other profile pic is images of children) ImageImageImageImage
Sep 28, 2021 48 tweets 11 min read
Here's a thread of just some of the statements Labour Party politicians have made recently when asked about women's rights and spaces against the backdrop of an increasing number of males who identify as women. First up, Sir Keir Starmer Image Lisa Nandy Image