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Jul 8, 2019, 16 tweets

"If your wife is unyielding for sex, strike with stick or hand and curse her!"

Wife Beating and #MaritalRape in Vedic Literature: Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.7

Original Sanskrit verse & Commentary by Adi Shankara (Shankara Bhasya) translated into English by Swami Madhavananda:

One, The Early Upanishads are considered Vedic Literature attached to Veda Samhitas. Two, Context is SEX; Procreation OR not; spelled out in 6.4.10-11. Three, The interpretation "buy her over with ornaments" is from Shankara Bhasya, & THIS version was used.

Is he @MisraNityanand dishonest or just plain ignorant? He goes till verse 8 of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4 & concludes "context is procreation only (needed for life)". Go further till 10 & 11. Husband chants "may she not conceive!" 6.4.10. Context is Sex.

Way to make an utter fool of yourself. Br. Up. 6.4.10:
'Now, the wife whom he desires with the thought: "May she NOT conceive"—after inserting penis in her.. he should repeat the mantra: "..I reclaim the semen from you." Thus she DOESN'T become pregnant.'

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4 verse 12 provides Handy Black Magic Ritual & the Mantras to be Cast upon your Wife's Lover! 😂😂'He whom a brahmin who knows this rite curses, departs from world impotent & shorn of merit. Therefore let no one even joke with a Vedic scholar's wife!'

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4 verse 17 🤔

“The scholarship of the daughter is regarding domestic affairs only, for she is not entitled to read the Vedas.”

~Adi Shankara That renowned 9th century Indian sage of Advaita Vedanta, in his Bhāṣya on the Upanishads (sacred literature)

"The Shudras and Women are not entitled to receive Brahma-vidya through the Vedas, though it may be taught to them through the smritis, puranas, and so on."

~ Authoritative commentaries on the Upanishads (Hinduisms' sacred scriptures) by no less than Adi Shankaracharya himself..

Female Rishis & Philosophers in the Veda? Nah! What abt Gargi & Maitreyi? Overstated! Not authors👇Propaganda post-1850. Should be thrown away into dustbin of literary history! Insecure Indians constantly imagining a golden past that never existed!…

Adi Shankara is the MOST revered acharya of the Hindus. He wrote several authoritative commentaries on ancient texts.

Here he comments on Brahma Sutras (400 BCE) & CONCLUDES that #Shudras have NO right to Vedas; he quotes the Dharmasutras & #ManuSmriti:

"If a Shudra Listens in on a Vedic recitation, his Ears shall be filled with molten tin or lac; if he Repeats it, his Tongue shall be cut off; if he commits it to Memory, his Body shall be split asunder." - Dharma Sutra of Gautama (600 BCE)

Violence & discrimination Re. Shudras:

Dishonest Sanghis claim that 'untouchability' came to India from 'outside' (they exclude Aryan migrations, of course).

Here's an example of the practice of 'untouchability' in the ancient Dharma Sutras (Vedic/Vedanga literature).

From Vasishtha Dharmasutra (composed ≈300 BCE):

Dharma Sutras, The Law Codes of Ancient India: Punishment for a lower varna man having sex with an upper varna woman:

A Brahmin woman is shamed, her head shaven and paraded naked on a donkey, while her non-Brahmin lover is burnt alive!!

Vashistha Dharmasutra 21.1-4:

"Shudras are to serve another, the three higher castes [varnas], to be expelled and beaten according to the pleasure (of their masters.)" - Aitareya Brahmana

Source: Aitareya Brahmana of the Rigveda, Published 1922, The Panini Office, Allahabad:

#ManuSmriti: "A Brahmin may compel a Shudra, whether he was bought or not, to do servile work; for he was created to be the slave of a Brahmin."

"A Shudra, though freed by his master isn't released from servitude"

"A Brahmin may confidently seize the goods of his Shudra slave"

Killing a Brahmin is the greatest of sins. Nature of sin goes down in the order of Varnas; Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra

Need penance even if you kill animals. But if you kill a wanton Brahmin woman no big deal ! And if you kill a Prostitute NO penance at all !!

The Dharma Sutras:

“The scholarship of daughter is regarding domestic affairs only, for she's not entitled to read the Vedas."

"Shudras & Women are not entitled to Brahmavidya through Vedas, though it may be taught to them thru smritis & puranas"

Advaita Vedanta guru Adi Shankara in his Bhashyas:

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