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Atheist. Engineer. Businesswoman. Fitness. #RedSoxNation
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Jul 8, 2019 16 tweets 8 min read
"If your wife is unyielding for sex, strike with stick or hand and curse her!"

Wife Beating and #MaritalRape in Vedic Literature: Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.7

Original Sanskrit verse & Commentary by Adi Shankara (Shankara Bhasya) translated into English by Swami Madhavananda: Image One, The Early Upanishads are considered Vedic Literature attached to Veda Samhitas. Two, Context is SEX; Procreation OR not; spelled out in 6.4.10-11. Three, The interpretation "buy her over with ornaments" is from Shankara Bhasya, & THIS version was used.
Jul 4, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
"Embracing Sita with both his arms, Kakutstha (Rama) made her drink pure Maireya wine, even as Indra makes Shachi partake of nectar.

Servants quickly served flesh-meat variously dressed, & fruits of various kinds for the use of Rama" #Ramayana Verse referred by #SwamiVivekananda #SwamiVivekananda: "Sita Devi vows meat, rice, and a thousand jars of wine to the river-goddess, Ganga!"

"Be merciful to us, O goddess, & I shall, on my return home, worship thee with a thousand jars of arrack (spirituous liquor) & rice well-dressed with flesh-meat." (#Ramayana)
May 25, 2019 23 tweets 5 min read
Hinduism is a very different religion.

Consider Chhinnamasta - Goddess of paradoxes - "both the food & the eater of food, thereby symbolizing the whole world by this act of being devoured & the devourer. The dichotomy of receiver & giver or object and subject collapses into one" "The image of Chhinnamasta standing on a copulating couple of Kamadeva and Rati is interpreted by some scholars as a symbol of a person's 'control' over sexual desire, while others interpret the goddess as being 'the embodiment' of sexual energy."…
Mar 25, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of our humanity is actually our tendency to displace our Dukkha onto others; to scapegoat others for something that we have going on and which goes away only for the briefest of moments, the fantasies of Nirvanists aside. While exploring the Modoc National Forest near Mount Shasta in California (a fabulous time for me!) I was in the company of an attractive man. We were strolling about taking in the vibes, sights sounds and (usually unfortunately) smells... 1/
Feb 3, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
A major reason behind the fall of India was the lack of strong organized religion like Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Hinduism was just a set of beliefs and customs and not really organized religions. India was/is deeply divided on caste, region and language lines; it lacked a strong common organized religion that could have organized and united them.
Jan 18, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
Some men can't come during sex (however long they fuck) UNLESS they masturbate. When i first heard this I found it to be pretty incredible, because I couldn't imagine wanting to, or needing to, jerk yourself off, when you have a nice, hopefully tight, pussy, to pop your load into I think that holding off coming eventually works against the guy in that it makes it harder for them to come under normal fucking conditions. 2/
Jan 16, 2019 44 tweets 8 min read
Some old wise guy said:

"Life is like a shit sandwich... the more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat".

Sayings like that, serve as the universal bidet of life. And how is this sort of effervescent wisdom obtained? Why, by the ancient method of Excremental Meditation, of course. (2)
Jan 5, 2019 43 tweets 7 min read
Is there an Indian dream? India has changed immensely during last thirty years and now more or less the entire globe is becoming 'Westernized' (or, 'Americanized'). Hollywood, American Media and American Corporations are "changing" pretty much everything..
Nov 3, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
We gather that Ram and Sita, slept together under the same roof, for 12 years in Ayodhya (Valmiki Ramayana 5.33.17), and 13+ years during Vanvas. Ram believed that Ravan violated Sita (VR 6.115.24). Sita was pregnant after a good 26 years of married life. What makes sense to you? For those of you offended that Ram might've fertility issues understand that "Impotency" / low sperm-count is a biological condition, nothing to be ashamed of. Ram was aged 40 when his wife became a mother, like his ageing father Dasharatha before him, though married to 3 queens.
Mar 23, 2018 17 tweets 6 min read
Lord Ram's father King Dasharatha was an avid hunter.

Hunted #elephants and buffaloes among other wild animals.

Valmiki Ramayana 2.63.21-25…
Lord Ram explains to his brother that they hunt animals for sport.…
Mar 4, 2018 13 tweets 5 min read
“Now, people of good conduct can expect to quickly attain a pleasant birth, like that of a Brahmin, the Kshatriya, or the Vaishya. But people of evil conduct can expect to enter a foul womb, like that of a dog, a pig, or a Chandala.” —Chandogya Upanishad :… The term "Chandala" as defined by #ManuSmriti: an out-caste person whose mere touch pollutes, considered the offspring of a Sudra father and a Brahmin mother: Image
Nov 8, 2017 4 tweets 2 min read
According to Valmiki Ramayana, Sita & Rama stayed together as wife & husband in Ayodhya for a good 12 years. No kids. & 13 years+ in the forests. So 25 years+ & NO kids. She stayed in Lanka for 6 months+

Per Uttara Kanda, she gets pregnant promptly upon return. Wonder of wonders How old were Sita & Rama when they got married? Valmiki doesn't explicitly say, only that she was of "marriageable age" but one can infer their age from the VR verses below👇. When they left for exile Ram was 25 & Sita was 18 => Sita's age at marriage = (18−12) = 6 ; Rama was 13 Image