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Emmy-winning TV journalist. Formerly on @WUSA9's #GetUpDC | Communications & media relations strategist | #MorganState | Dog zaddy | #DCNative | They call me Q

Jul 16, 2019, 9 tweets

A LIVING NIGHTMARE: #MakiyahWilson was shot in the heart and died when a group of masked cowards fired more than 70 gunshots into a crowd of people in Northeast DC. It happened last year. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals


A bullet ripped across a courtyard, pierced this 10-year-old's back, and tore through her heart. That is how the Medical Examiner’s Office explained what happened to #MakiyahWilson before she died.

Makiyah had just returned from getting ice cream @wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals

“I just seen a car coming, but I just – I knew it was something when I seen everybody face. Everything just went down.” -- Nyjhay Lewis

@wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals #MakiyahWilson

Lewis was Makiyah's older sister. Makiyah was sitting between her legs when the shooting happened. Four masked men jumped out of a black car and fired more than 70 gunshots into the crowd of people. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals

More: wusa9.com/article/news/l…

“Even when she went to the hospital, I said man my daughter got it. Everybody was calling me. I was like ‘I don’t want to hear that.’ I just need her father. We just need to get there. Because I knew my baby had it.” -Donnetta Wilson, mother

@wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals

“I’ve always seen my daughter warm and smiling, but me seeing my daughter cold on a stretcher. That ain’t fair. I still see that.” - Michael Wilson, Makiyah's father

@wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals

Makiyah was a vibrant, outgoing little girl who recently celebrated her 10th birthday. Her parents said she loved school and would have been heading to the 5th grade after the summer was over.

Makiyah wanted to help people. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals

‘She didn’t deserve this’ | #MakiyahWilson was shot in her heart and killed one year ago wusa9.com/article/news/l…

@wusa9 #GetUpDC #wusa9originals

Life? Oh, its been a living hell for #MakiyahWilson’s parents and loved ones. There’s no rule book on how to cope with losing a child to gun violence. It just should not happen. @wusa9 #getupdc #wusa9originals

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