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Sep 23rd 2020
VIRAL VIDEO: Man jumps from top of Metro bus in Southeast D.C. and destroys the car of a single mother of two. @wusa9 #GetUpDC

(Credit: IG/lilrayonacomeup)
Here's a fundraiser for the woman who had her car totaled in the viral video:…
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Aug 28th 2020
MARCH ON WASHINGTON 2020: This thread has everything you need to know about the #CommitmentMarch in DC today.

We have team coverage on @wusa9 throughout the morning and afternoon. #GetUpDC #MarchOnWashington2020 @NationalAction

(thread.) Image
AT 5:00am:

-Public allowed to enter National Mall Reflecting Pool area.

-Entry points at 17th & Constitution or 17th & Independence

-Each person must get a neon green wristband and a ticket

-Must get temperature checked, wear face mask, and gloves @wusa9 #GetUpDC
The NAN will host a pre-show program between 7:00am-11:00am at the Lincoln Memorial.

Main program will be between 11:00-1:00pm. Speakers will include families of Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner and more @wusa9 #GetUpDC #CommitmentMarch #MarchOnWashington
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Aug 11th 2020
MAN SHOT NEAR WHITE HOUSE | According to the Secret Service, a 51-year-old guy walked up to an officer at 17th and Pennsylvania and said he had a weapon.

The agency said the man allegedly ran toward officer and took something out in a drawing motion. @wusa9 #GetUpDC (thread) Image
The Secret Service said the man got into a “shooter’s stance” as if he were about to fire a weapon.

It was at that point the officer shot the man in his torso. The officer and the man who they shot were taken to area hospitals @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
The Secret Service came into a press briefing and rushed President Donald Trump out of the room after the shooting happened just before 6p.

President Trump came back about 10 minutes later and said there was a shooting and that things seemed to be under control @wusa9 #GetUpDC
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Jul 21st 2020
CHILD SHOT IN DC: @DCPoliceDept confirms a child was shot at 53rd and East Capitol Street in Northeast DC around 12:30a this morning.

The child was rushed to the hospital, but it is unclear how serious the injuries are. No suspect is in custody. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #BREAKING Image
A crime check within a quarter-mile radius of where this child was shot revealed a slight increase in violent crimes involving a gun when compared to this same time last year.

However, overall violent crimes in that area remained about the same @wusa9 #GetUpDC ImageImage
This shooting comes at a time where police are dealing with a 20% increase in homicides when compared to to this same time last year.

Thankfully, the child shot in this latest case survived and is in hospital. We’re still working to learn how badly they were hurt @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
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Jul 10th 2020
#Breaking Police make 2nd arrest in 11-year-old Davon McNeal’s murder. Christian Wingfield, 22, was arrested today and charged with First Degree Murder while Armed (Premeditated).

Davon was killed on the Forth of July after leaving a community holiday cookout @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Police are still searching for 19 year-old Carlo General and 25 year-old Marcel Gordon. They are wanted in connection to #DavonMcNeal’s murder.

They should be considered armed and dangerous. @wusa9 #GetUpDC ImageImage
Police believe at total of 5 people are responsible for killing 11-year-old #DavonMcNeal. 2 guys are in custody, 2 are on the run, and officers are still working to secure a warrant for the last suspect.

If you know anything, contact the @DCPoliceDept | @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
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Jul 9th 2020
#BREAKING One person arrested for killing of 11-year-old #DavonMcNeal, 4 people still at large.

Daryle Bond, 18, is charged with First Degree Murder while Armed (Premeditated).

Police looking for Carlo General, Marcel Gordon, and Christian Wingfield. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Here’s the announcement from @DCPoliceDept @ChiefNewsham on arrest and at large suspects in #DavonMcNeal’s case:
Davon McNeal was killed on the #FourthofJuly before heading to a community cookout in Southeast DC. The @DCPoliceDept says a group of guys started firing in his direction. 😢

The 11-year-old was not the intended target @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
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Jul 7th 2020
NEW INFORMATION: Police confirm all 5 victims who were shot on Janna Lee Avenue in Alexandria this morning were teenagers between 14 and 19-y/o.

3 of the teens are girls, and two of the victims are male. SUSPECT STILL AT LARGE @wusa9 #GetUpDC #Breaking

ARMED AND DANGEROUS: There is very little information about the suspect. Police only know he is y’all and had on a mask.

This person is still on the run and considered armed and dangerous. If you know anything, call @FairfaxCountyPD at 703-246-7800 @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Police say the suspect fired “numerous rounds” but refused to release more information about what led up to the shooting or if there is any relationship between the victims.

As of now, this shooting appears to be random in nature. @wusa9 #GetUpDC
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Jun 5th 2020
BLACK LIVES MATTER: DC transforms part of 16th Street near the @WhiteHouse into Black Lives Matter Plaza.

Artists painted a massive BLM mural between H and K Streets in response to #GeorgeFloyd and #PoliceBrutality protests @wusa9 @MayorBowser #GetUpDC #BlackLivesMatter
My colleague @KolbieReports captured @DCDPW hanging this sign along the street this morning. Head to her page for more images and videos. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Hot Take: @DMVBlackLives is not here for it.

The social justice organization is calling the mural and street renaming “performative” and “a distraction” as they push for @MayorBowser to decrease the @DCPoliceDept budget. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter Image
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May 18th 2020
#Breaking Massive police presence at Alabama Ave and Pennsylvania Ave in Southeast DC. Multiple police agencies on the scene including @DCPoliceDept, @PGPDNews, and @BowiePDNews.

We are being told this is a barricade situation and the suspect has a “long gun.” @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
NEW INFORMATION: A suspect is in custody following shootout and barricade situation with @DCPoliceDept and multiple Maryland agencies. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
DETAILS: Police chase started at 2am. The suspect’s vehicle crashed into another car and police cruiser at Alabama and Pennsylvania Avenues. Suspect got out of car, there was a shootout between several officers and suspect, and suspect barricaded in occupied home @wusa9 #GetUpDC
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Apr 16th 2020
NEW INFORMATION | All 5 @WholeFoods stores in DC have employees diagnosed with COVID-19, official confirms.

The information was discovered after a WUSA9 investigation revealed employees in Logan Circle tested positive @wusa9 #Breaking #coronavirus… Image
Here is the full response from a @WholeFoods spokesperson about the positive #coronavirus cases at all 5 DC stores:

@wusa9 #GetUpDC

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Apr 15th 2020
Several workers at @WholeFoods have tested positive for the #coronavirus at the Logan Circle store.

At least one worker said cases have popped up since last month, the store has not been shut down for a deep cleaning, and shoppers not being told @wusa9… Image
The Amazon worker stationed at store wanted to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation but is calling for more to be done.

The worker forwarded WUSA9 several emails that confirm at least 4 of their coworkers tested positive for COVID-19. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
WUSA9 first reported more than a dozen coronavirus cases at the Logan Circle Whole Foods store, according to the worker who asked to remain anonymous.

WUSA9 was only able to independently confirm at least four cases. Whole Foods has not responded to requests for official number
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Apr 7th 2020
#Breaking Coalition of unions representing healthcare workers and first responders in D.C. are demanding changes to @_DCHealth's coronavirus testing guidelines. Unions claim the city needs a more aggressive testing approach. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Unions want two main things:

1. Testing for healthcare professionals who come in contact with patients who test positive for COVID-19 regardless if they're showing symptoms.

2. 14-day period of PAID precautionary leave or quarantine for exposed healthcare professionals @wusa9
WUSA9 reached out to DC Health for a response to some of the concerns first brought up by the DC Nurses Association. Their response read, in part:

@wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
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Apr 5th 2020
WHARF SHUT DOWN ~ @dcra posts emergency closures at the @TheWharfDC after large crowds gather over the weekend amid #coronavirus pandemic. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #Breaking Image
CLARIFICATION: There are still businesses open on the wharf in Southwest DC. The closure is only affecting the outdoor fish market, according to some business owners. Please continue supporting local business. @wusa9 #GetUpDC
MAYOR RESPONDS ~ @MayorBowser’s office sent statement about closure of fish market at the wharf:

“Since food is essential, the operators will be able to present a plan for social distancing to DCRA. If the plan allows for safe operations, the venue will be allowed to reopen”
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Mar 30th 2020
If you’ve been out in DC’s Shaw neighborhood, you know this pizza shop and the woman behind the counter.

Mama Angelina is fighting to keep their family-run biz open during the coronavirus crisis. She supports the community and now needs a little love in return @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Thank you all for your support and questions about how to best help mama. They are looking into getting a PayPal or Venmo account for those who are not able to do a carry out or delivery order.

I will post how you all can best support the family as soon as I hear back #GetUpDC
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Mar 2nd 2020
#Breaking Truck carrying trash overturned on 695 Westbound. All lanes are blocked. Traffic from 295 cannot access the 11th Street bridge. Expect delays this morning. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Trash from overturned tractor trailer spilled all over 11th Street. Officers with @DCPoliceDept are directing traffic, and crews with @DCDPW are here to clean up after truck is removed @wusa9 #GetUpDC
Crews are working to clear the trash that spilled onto the street from that overturned trailer @wusa9 #GetUpDC
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Feb 12th 2020
#Breaking Prince George’s Co Sheriff’s deputy involved in shooting on Dunleigh Drive in Bowie.

The @BowiePDNews says off duty deputy fired gun after encounter w/ man matching attempted car thief description.

No reported injuries. Suspect at large. @wusa9 #GetUpDC
So far, here is what we know:

Around 1:30a, Bowie PD got a call about 3 people pulling on car door handles on Dunleigh Dr. in Bowie.

Officers arrived, spotted 3 suspects, got out of the car, chased them, and took 2 people in custody. One man got away. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
A short time later, police got a call from an off-duty PG Co. Sheriff's deputy who witnessed a suspect matching a vague description stealing a vehicle.

The deputy fired his gun during an encounter with suspect, but the man got away in a stolen blue Jeep Compass. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
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Jan 30th 2020
#Breaking Popular D.C. gay nightclub, Town 2.0, is approved to reopen inside of a former church building in NoMa.

The District’s Alcohol Beverage Control Board approved the club’s license with conditions that would contribute to maintaining order in neighborhood @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
The conditions of Town 2.0’s license approval include:

1. Hiring at least two police officers on Fridays and Saturdays from at least midnight to closing

2. Making sure line to get in runs south towards K Street

(see more in threat) @wusa9 #GetUpDC
Town 2.0’s license conditions continued:

3. Ensuring sounds can’t be heard in the apartment bldg next door or from public space

4. All exterior seating areas must be shut down at 2:00 a.m.

@wusa9 #GetUpDC
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Jan 29th 2020
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW: This thread breaks down all of the known facts about the in custody killing of #WilliamGreen and the charges against Corporal #MichaelOwen @wusa9 #GetUpDC (thread) Image
Around 8pm on Monday, someone called 911 saying a driver hit multiple cars on Saint Barnabas Rd in Temple Hills, Maryland.

Officers pulled him over and originally told WUSA9 they detected what they believed to be the drug PCP. Part of that story has changed. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Police said the suspect was cuffed with his hands behind his back and put into the front passenger’s seat of the police cruiser.

An officer got into the driver’s seat, and investigators originally said two separate witnesses saw or heard a struggle before the fatal shooting
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Jan 6th 2020
#YouKnowYouFromDCIf you order your chicken wings from the carry out like this #SaltPepperKetchupMumboSauce @wusa9 #GetUpDC

(Thread. Keep it going.) Image
#YouKnowYouFromDCIf you’ve ever used one of these to catch the bus @wmata @wusa9 #GetUpDC #DCNative Image
#YouKnowYouFromDCIf you’ve ever picked up one of these joints from the corner store with some UTZ potato chips @wusa9 #GetUpDC #DCNative Image
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Dec 3rd 2019
FOR THE CULTURE | Covering stories unique to African-American history, traditions, and culture in the DMV.

If you know someone or a topic that should be featured in our ‘For the Culture’ segment, email me at or shoot me a DM. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #ForTheCulture Image
@wusa9 Check out this thread for some of our most talked about stories:
@wusa9 4 things to know: A DC native’s guide to navigating Chocolate City #ForTheCulture…
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Nov 20th 2019
TOWN 2.0 | Several groups are trying to block a gay nightclub from reopening inside of a former church in NoMa. Protesters have submitted concerns about @WhatsUpAtTown to DC’s alcohol regulatory board in an attempt to get its alcohol license application declined @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Town was coined as the largest gay dance club in D.C., but it shut down in 2018 after a 10-year run in the Shaw neighborhood.

People who went there were sad to see the club close and turned into an apartment building. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
Town’s owners are hoping to reopen inside of the former Saint Phillips Baptist Church located at 1001 North Capitol Street NE

According to its alcohol license application, Town is planning for an occupancy of more than 500 people and an outdoor sidewalk café. @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
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Nov 14th 2019
#Breaking: The U. S. Justice Department will not pursue federal criminal civil rights charges against the @usparkpolicepio officers involved in the fatal shooting of 25-year-old Bijan Ghaisar @wusa9 #GetUpDC #WeAreBijan Image
@usparkpolicepio @wusa9 The family now knows about decision.

In a media advisory, a DOJ spokesperson wrote the department can't prove "that the two USPP officers committed willful violations of the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute when they shot Mr. Ghaisar" @wusa9 #WeAreBijan #GetUpDC Image
@usparkpolicepio @wusa9 This is what DOJ said happened during investigation:

-FBI interviewed more than 150 people, including officers from USPP, Fairfax Co Police, and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Ctr
-Federal investigators sent evidence from USPP investigators to Quantico for testing/analysis
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Nov 5th 2019
#BREAKING Man killed at @PopeyesChicken store in Oxon Hill one day after the return of a popular chicken sandwich. The man was found stabbed several times in the parking lot on Livingston Road around 7pm @wusa9 #GetUpDC #PopeyesChickenSandwich #Popeyes Image
MORE INFORMATION: @PGPDNews is investigating. Story is developing. This is what we know so far: @wusa9 @PopeyesChicken #GetUpDC…
“Hard to put into words” | Police confirm that a deadly stabbing at a Maryland Popeyes is connected to the release of the #PopeyesChickenSandwich. There was an argument inside the store, it spilled out into the parking lot, a man was stabbed and later died in the hospital @wusa9
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Sep 11th 2019
SCHOOL THREAT: Students and parents in Loudoun County should be on high alert this morning. The @LoudounSheriff is investigating a post from #Snapchat threatening several schools. @wusa9 #GetUpDC #Breaking Image
@LoudounSheriff @wusa9 Authorities are taking the threat seriously as deputies work to figure out who posted the #Snapchat threat and if it is credible. If you know anything, call the @LoudounSheriff @wusa9 #GetUpDC Image
@LoudounSheriff @wusa9 WUSA9 is working to find out if there will be any changes to the school day for @LCPSOfficial. A spokesperson from the school district said they are preparing a message to send to the media, parents, and students. @wusa9 #GetUpDC
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