tyro Profile picture
Co-author - with @folafagbule - of “Formation: The Making of Nigeria from Jihad to Amalgamation” UK https://t.co/9PDlOe9B4X US https://t.co/uKtB8hyPn8

Jul 17, 2019, 10 tweets

How are people raising money to pay these ransoms? Someone I’m kind of related was kidnapped recently and this question has been bugging me since yesterday. What if you don’t have money?

Someone sent me this. I don’t even know what to say

Another one

The quicker you pay, the higher the ransom. But then you’re faced with the choice - do you want your loved one held for several days while you try to negotiate the price down?

They had to send recharge card to the kidnappers to call them

By. Bank. Transfer

This is the highest amount I’ve heard so far. A bank alert came in

Sharing these stories because it seems anonymously is the only way people will talk about them

This thread has really shocked me. I had no idea this thing was so widespread. To even discover some of my friends had gone through this quietly is numbing. Not really sure what to say or do beyond that everyone should take as much care as they possibly can

I’ll share one last one. This man was kidnapped on his way home from church in Port Harcourt a week ago

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