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#ReecieColbertShow on @SiriusXM 126 Saturdays 3PM 》 Creator @amitrippingame 》 Politics+Culture Commentator|Speaker|Author 》 Thu-#RMU|#ClayCaneShow

Aug 1, 2019, 6 tweets

Kamala Disinformation Debunked Thread: On debate night 2 we saw trash Twitter talking points get parroted by two so-called presidential candidates. They are banking on people taking their smears at face value but I won't stand for it. Feel free to share/RT #KHive #Kamala2020

▪️SFPD Lab Tech Deborah Madden allegedly stole cocaine
▪️Crime Lab was ran by PD not Kamala's office.
▪️Kamala without being ordered to dropped over 1,500 cases (far above the cases that were handled by Madden)
▪️Kamala implemented reforms in response (see addtl sources below)

❌ Kamala did NOT fight to keep prisoners for cheap labor
▪️ DAG Patrick McKinney unsuccessfully argued the case without Kamala's knowledge
▪️Kamala was not personally involved in the 10s of 1000s of filings by all of the 1,000 attorneys per year

▪️Recreational marijuana was not legalized until 2018 (ballot measure passed 2016), so marijuana possession was illegal the entire time Kamala was DA/AG
▪️Kamala CREATED the 1st of it's kind Back On Track program to provide job/education/housing assistance to drug offenders

❌Kamala did NOT "withhold evidence to exonerate an innocent man on death row"
▪️Kamala had NO involvement with Kevin Cooper as he had already exhausted all of his appeals BEFORE she was AG
▪️Cooper needed clemency which was denied by Schwarzenegger & punted by Gov Jerry Brown

Additional contemporaneous sources:
▪️SF Lab cases dismissed…
▪️SF Crime Lab Cases Dismissed/Reforms…
▪️Back on Track

▪️CA marijuana legalization…

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