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#BlackFriday is coming up and if #KamalaHarris was POTUS & I would have her $500 #LIFTAct monthly cash out to shop with! Here's how I would spend it ⬇️.

How would you spend your $500 from #Kamala? Tweet your 3 things plus the graphic & hashtags! #KHive #ShoppingIsOnTheBallot
PS- To get #KamalaHarris to the White House so we can get these $500/month #LIFTAct cash outs we gotta chip in! I'd say $5 now for $500/month is a great return on your investment! #Kamala2020 #KHive #ShoppingIsOnTheBallot
Chip in 💰:…
I need 4 new tires but my Black card wouldn't permit me to post a pic of 4 rimless tires 😂🤦🏾‍♀️. The rest of my #KamalaHarris $500 #LIFTAct covers turtlenecks & the digital Friday (I own the DVD of course). #KHive #Kamala #ShoppingIsOnTheBallot #BlackFriday
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#KamalaHarris is having a fundraising drive and yet the green progress bar is barely ticking up! We got work to do #KHive and #Kamala supporters to get these #CoinsForKamala! Let's spread the donation link, bring in new donors & chip in! #Kamala2020
Let's do something different #KHive! Instead of posting receipts let's show our team spirit! Donate (even if it is just $1). Then comment using #CoinsForKamala your #KamalaHarris gear selfie (extra credit #ForThePeople 🙃) or fav Kamala pic/GIF.
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Today is Day 2 of #Kamala's Black Women Weekend of Action, key word: ACTION! Press ▶️ for a preview of what's in store. This ain't no photo op chile, we are putting in work! If you want to get involved you can phone bank remotely ⬇️. #SCforKamala #Kamala2020 #KHive #KamalaHarris
Packed room here bright and early for #Kamala's Black Women Weekend of Action. Here is @mayaharris_ giving opening remarks. #Kamala2020 #SCforKamala #BlackWomenLead
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Day 1 of #Kamala's Black Women Weekend of Action in SC kicked off to an incredible start! Press play for my recap on my visit to a #KamalaHarris campaign office & #BlackWomenLead kickoff reception. Nobody values/empowers Black women like Kamala! #SCforKamala #KamalaHarris #KHive
When I tell y'all @thesherylralph was preaching...she had to take her jacket off! I moved from the back to the front of the room to capture this good word. Part 1 #BlackWomenLead #SCforKamala #KamalaHarris #Kamala2020 #KHive
Here is Part 2 of #KamalaHarris endorser #SherylLeeRalph bringing down the house at #Kamala's Black Women Weekend of Action kickoff. Y'all have to excuse my commentary, I ain't a professional videographer lol. #BlackWomenLead #SCforKamala #Kamala2020
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Let's hear from working parents with school age children. Tweet how #KamalaHarris' proposal would benefit your family. Hashtag #FamilyFriendlySchools and #JusticeIsOnTheBallot.

#Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020
#FamilyFriendlySchools Act from #KamalaHarris takes the pressure off parents who have less job flexibility than others. Economic #JusticeIsOnTheBallot
Not only would #Kamala's #FamilyFriendlySchools Act save a family like this $600/month on child care; #KamalaHarris' LIFT Act could provide $500/mo tax credit. That is $1,100 MORE money for the household. Economic #JusticeIsOnTheBallot! #Kamala2020 #KHive
Read 10 tweets
#TomSteyer needs to immediately compensate the #KamalaHarris campaign for the data his aide stole AND drop out! It's not just #OperationBlockTheBlackWoman now it's Cheat the Black Woman. If you are fed up and stand with #Kamala & chip in! #KHive
In case you didn't notice the link in the tweet. Let's send a resounding message that we stand with #KamalaHarris by contributing now. #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020 #KHive #JusticeIsOnTheBallot…
I searched Steyer on Twitter and this story about his campaign stealing from #KamalaHarris is only being talked about by #Kamala/#KHive supporters and a few blue checks. If the situation were reversed there would be wall to wall coverage. This is some straight up bs!
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1/8 Diary of a Heartbroken Betocrat: As I come to terms with Beto leaving the race, I think I am going to be supporting Kamala Harris. I don't expect to have the personal connection with any other candidate that I had with Beto, but pragmatism tells me Harris is the best choice.
2/8 My personal connection with Beto came from being his constituent, knowing all the good he did in our community, and watching his Texas race up close. I also felt he was the best person for the job who offered the widest path to the White House and could win back the Senate.
3/8 That is why I am now deciding to support .@KamalaHarris. My belief is that we must think about 2020 strategically. With the new census will come new maps. In the wake of SCOTUS abdicating any oversight and gutting the VRA, we need to perform in as many states as possible.
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I'm very disturbed to see the omission of #KamalaHarris from the filtered list. I don't know if it is negligence or #OperationBlockTheBlackWoman but it is unacceptable. #KHive go to CSPAN's site and "Report Video Issue". #Kamala2020…
In case my directions weren't clear:
1) Go to…
2) Click on Report Video Issue
3) Leave a report and submit.
#KHive #KamalaHarris
Update: #KamalaHarris has been added to the list and filter of speakers. We don't know exactly what caused them to fix, but we know #KHive rallied and put up a fight! DO NOT EVER LET ERASURE SLIDE! Keep fighting for #Kamala! #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020
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Our girl #KamalaHarris CRUSHED it at #LJ19 delivering her best speech of the campaign! If you are fired up and ready to go chip in a couple of bucks now!!! #JusticeIsOnTheBallot #ForThePeople #KHive #Kamala2020…
Full speech of #KamalaHarris 🔥🔥🔥 speech tonight. Tweet your thoughts including the hashtag #LJ19 and don't forget to chip in a few bucks to her campaign! #KHive #Kamala2020
Full speech of #KamalaHarris from @KamalaHarris YouTube Channel from tonight at #LJ19. IMPORTANT: Make sure you hit the 👍🏾 like button and subscribe button. If you haven't yet chip in a couple of bucks!…

Watch ⬇️ #KHive #Kamala2020
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#KamalaHarris is restructuring her campaign but the reality is:
#Kamala is still the best/most feared candidate vs Trump
We need to step the fcuk up! The onus is on us to stop #OperationBlockTheBlackWoman. #KHive what's 1 thing YOU can do & 1 suggestion/not criticism for HQ?
Everybody has different areas they are strong or feel comfortable in. Here are ways to support #KamalaHarris!
DONATE. Remember that every dollar counts. If you skip Starbucks, drop in $3. If you pack a lunch that day maybe drop in $7. Every bit helps!…
You can also purchase #Kamala gear which counts as a contribution: hats, tshirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, yard signs, magnets, etc. #KHive #Kamala2020 #UnitedForKamala #KamalaHarris
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Yaaaas! A Black woman supporting a Black woman. You love to see it. 🙌🏾 #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris #KHive #BlackGirlsRock #Kamala
Speaking of Black women supporting Black women, the #Kamala gif with @hollyrpeete is from #ForPeeteSakes. #KamalaHarris took time to discuss ways to keep people with autism safe during police stops. This clip is a perfect example why I'm #Kamala2020 #KHive
ICYMI: The amazing @hollyrpeete reacted to the clip I shared yesterday from her show #ForPeetesSake. #KamalaHarris met with her and her mom Ms. Robinson to discuss safer policing practices. #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020 #KHive
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Live tweeting #JusticeVotes2020 with #KamalaHarris. First Q: Why are you here? #Kamala discusses the "age old concept of redemption"." A civil society allows people a way to earn their way back." She made a conscious decision to become a prosecutor.
#KamalaHarris became a prosecutor so that she didn't have to ask permission for reforms. She created Back on Track which was unheard of at the time (remember she was elected in 2003) to reduce recidivism. #JusticeVotes2020 #Kamala2020
More on #Kamala's Back On Track which became a model program (designated by Obama/Holder DOJ) that expanded statewide when #KamalaHarris became AG.
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These funky ass Bernie Bros shook bc he absurdly told a Black student to be respectful so he doesn't get shot in the back of the head. They're pushing a 6 sec clip from #Kamala's portion & lying about the context. We won't let these smears stand. #KamalaHarris #Kamala2020 #KHive
PS- Here is the full clip of what #KamalaHarris actually said. The Bros have spent years editing and splicing clips of #Kamala to paint her in a false light or context. The truth matters and aren't putting up with their shit! #Kamala2020 #KHive
Quit asking me how Bernie should've answered the question. Quit patronizing me like I didn't properly comprehend his statement. He was wrong, period.
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The power of a Black woman! #KamalaHarris lead with conviction I protest of Trump's award & treatment of students. Thanks to #Kamala's principled stand #BenedictCollege & its students will be centered at this forum rather than the org that unjustifiably gave Trump an award.
Only ONE candidate in this race stood up for the students of #BenedictCollege. Only ONE person stood up against the normalization of Trump's deplorable record which includes calling for the execution of the #ExoneratedFive. That person is #KamalaHarris and #JusticeIsOnTheBallot!
#KamalaHarris speaks directly to #BenedictCollege students. Yesterday students were told to stay in their dorms & only SEVEN were allowed to attend the forum. HBCU students will never be forced to take a back seat under #Kamala's watch! #KHive #Kamala2020
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This is what leadership looks like. We cannot allow Trump's deplorable record to be normalized simply because he did one decent thing. Also, we won't stand for Black spaces being used as a prop while we are silenced. Thank you #KamalaHarris for saying not on my watch! #Kamala2020
While we're talking #CriminalJusticeReform, let me sit this here to remind y'all that #KamalaHarris has decades of receipts of advocacy and results. Here is a refresher b4 #Kamala's forum with @Bakari_Sellers #KHive #Kamala2020…

Wow I am disgusted! I've been calling this a Back of the Bus primary but damn this is literally telling Black students to stay hidden on their own HBCU campus! Thank you #KamalaHarris for standing with Black students. #Kamala2020 #KHive #Kamala…
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The great #ShirleyChisholm was before my time, but given #KamalaHarris' historic candidacy as the 1st Black woman in the POTUS *top tier*, her legacy is more on my mind. When I met #Kamala she brought up Shirley, so I dedicate this thread to 2 powerful Black women trailblazers.
#ShirleyChisholm announced her candidacy for the Democratic Party in January 25, 1972. She was the first Black woman to ever run for a major party nomination.
Full video:…
"You have to recognize that because I am not White and because I am not a male I am not going to get the blessings of the power structure in this country...of course I'm not going to get their blessings" #UnboughtUnbossed #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020 #KHive
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Y'all know I had to make a reaction video to the #DemocraticDebate for those who missed it. #KamalaHarris shut it down by standing in her truth as a Black woman aiming to make history. It was epic! My thoughts on that &more. #DemDebate #Kamala #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020 #KHive
My earlier tweet about #OperationBlockTheBlackWoman low key blew up but I said what I said. Here are my thoughts on that plus the extra hurdles #KamalaHarris has to clear. #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020
Somebody tap Tulsi and tell her that Assad and Putin are the enemy not the Black Patriots like #MaxineWaters and #AlGreen that called for Trump's impeachment. Thoughts on her tiny violin act plus Steyer and Beto. #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate
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Sen. #KamalaHarris Mega Thread aka the unofficial #Kamala2020 campaign encyclopedia on all things #Kamala. Here's a comprehensive round of her plans, record, leadership, debunking the lies,& video clips. Feel free to bookmark/RT. Quick links ⬇️ + much more in the thread! #KHive
#KamalaHarris has her proposals detailed on her official campaign website. For more Twitter info on her plans check out this thread. #KamalasPlan #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020
#KamalaHarris has an impressive record spanning decades. Find out more about how she broke the glass ceiling and made history with each election; and what she has accomplished since her career in public service started in 1990. #KamalasRecord #Kamala2020
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Thread: One of the qualities most of us want in a leader, studies have shown, is someone who cares about people like us. Well #KamalaHarris cares. #Kamala shows up before she is sent for, she speaks up and advocates for causes long before it's in style. #KamalaCares
#KamalaHarris understands that we are traumatizing kids with inaction on gun violence. Beyond her comprehensive gun control reform plan & her record as AG of getting guns away from dangerous people, #Kamala has the empathy we need in a leader. #KamalaCares
When #KamalaHarris met a very shy young Maya, she delicately held her chin and like a true #Momala told her "you always hold that chin up". In a world that can be particularly cruel on little Black girls, affirmation is so important. #Kamala #KamalaCares
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Thread: #KamalaHarris has been the # 1 social media disinformation warfare target for POTUS candidates for years. Check here to set the record straight on the smears, lies, distortions, misinfo/disinfo about #Kamala. #DisinformationDebunked #KamalaFactCheck #Kamala2020
When you have three decades of public service like Senator #KamalaHarris, it's easy to cherrypick situations/cases and weaponize them to smear her. This article debunks the yearslong disinformation, misinformation, and smear campaign against #Kamala.…
There are many lies, distortions and smears about #KamalaHarris' record and here I debunk every one that has been thrown at her in one sitting. Truancy, DNA testing/Cooper, Crime Lab & more.
The YT version has a topic index:

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Thread: #KamalaHarris has decades of experience as a public servant and elected official (#Kamala got an early start). There's far more to her record than you've heard so dive into her trailblazing tenures as SF DA,CA Attorney General,& US Senator #KamalasRecord #KamalaHarris2020
#KamalaHarris did not just make history with her election as San Francisco DA and California Attorney General, she did so with her US Senate election. Learn more about what #Kamala has been up to in the Senate. #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020 #KHive
#KamalaHarris had a distinguished tenure as CA Attorney General over the largest DOJ after the US DOJ. #Kamala was a history making trailblazer who was a champion #ForThePeople
#KamalasRecord #Kamala2020 #KamalaHarris2020 #KHive
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STOP ERASING BLACK WOMEN! Apparently #KamalaHarris performing gay marriages in 04,defeating Prop 8,& tackling the gay/trans panic defense isn't noteworthy. For all 3 (and just 3) mentions of #Kamala's name to be solely to discuss what the vvhite male moderator said is offensive!
Since we have another Lyz Lenz on our hands who wants to double down instead of make amends, I'm going to tackle each excuse @transscribe has made to justify her erasure of #KamalaHarris.
Be clear, banning the gay/trans panic defense is the baseline bc of #KAMALA. #KamalaHarris convened DAs to combat it in 06. She sponsored a bill as AG making CA the FIRST state to ban it. She co-sponsors a Sen bill to ban it (Warren isn't co-sponsor).
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Thread: Setting the record straight on the narratives around #Kamala's anti-truancy initiatives. #KamalaHarris did NOT lock parents up. Also, truancy has been a prosecutable offense in California since **1977**. This thread will focus on the HuffPo editorial on Kamala's record.
It is FALSE that Cheree People's case is a result of Kamala's efforts. GRIP was an initiative in OC that had been in place since 2008 (3 yrs b4 the new truancy bill) and arrested 11 parents in 5 yrs (08-13). The arrests were ALREADY happening for years under the old truancy law.
A trend with anti-Kamala hit pieces is to cherrypick horror stories that don't involve Kamala yet blame her. The GRIP program that swept up People's had 10,000 people involved to provide resources long b4 making arrests. Kamala had zero connection to it.…
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Thread: #Kamala's historic campaign as only the 3rd Black woman to seek a major party nom (1st as top tier) isn't being met with the professionalism/culturally competent coverage it deserves. #RepresentationMatters so let these Black women reflect HOW it's done right. #Kamala2020
The media is often more interested in the horsesrace vs educating the public on a candidate. The GOLD STANDARD on researching/original substantive reporting is set by @juliacraven with a deep dive into #Kamala's Black maternal health work.…
We know that horsesrace coverage comes with the territory, however @emarvelous showed how to balance discussing the state of the race with providing space for rebuttal from #Kamala/supporters & providing perspective (i.e. acknowledging smear campaigns).…
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